"Sing Along Messiah" Wow! And Hallelujah! Those kudos are for our two Sing Along performances of Handel's Messiah at the APEX. These were superb musical evenings with The Academy Choir leading our 450 enthusiastic participants in the Christmas Oratorio. We served the musical tastes of cosmopolitan Hong Kong people well; and honored God. I hope there can be other brilliant musicals like this in our future. The performances certainly proved that the APEX has great natural acoustics for the sung human voice.
And we raised a lot of money - at least $50,000 - to send goats to Chinese farmers through Heifer Project China. The names given to the goats by their patrons are delightful.
Another beautiful instant happened at worship on Third Advent when Deborah Pike, a visitor from St. Louis, led us in signing our Advent carol "Come Lord Jesus, Come and be Born in our Hearts." I was wowed by the concentration and enjoyment of the congregation as we sang and signed along with Deborah. Signing, when done well, always uplifts the singing of the hearing persons as well as those like Deborah who are deaf.
At dim sum after this wonderful worship service Deborah's Hong Kong relatives told me that they had researched local churches to try to find a congregation with signing. Out of the approximate l,000 congregations in Hong Kong they could identify only two Chinese language congregations with signing at worship. I pray that CCHK may commit to becoming the first English language congregation to offer signing which should be a standard service in a metropolitan church like ours.
This January I shall resume my search for a professional music leader as well as for a new church administrator. Now I shall add to my list of essential helpers a signer. We need all three to help us keep growing and to present great worship and great music which has marked our Advent-Christmas time.
Speaking of Christmas, note our first ever Christmas Eve "Celebration for Jesus" beginning at 6PM in the Executive Club of Central Plaza. We will offer public carolling to the throngs on the Concourse and enjoy a performance by the Covenant Players - "A Modern Christmas Story." There'll be prayers by candlelight and refreshments. For those who don't have to rush somewhere else after our celebration concludes at 7:30PM, there will be a Christmas Supper.
On Christmas morning we'll be upstairs at the APEX with gathering carols at l0:30AM and an hour Christmas worship at ll:00AM.
A blessed holy season to you near and far.
Pastor's Pages
The Rev. Gene R.Preston
14th Floor, Blk 36, Lower Baguio Villa Tel : 25516161 Fax: 25512114E-mail : gpreston@netvigator.com
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