A New Pastor Our new pastor who arrives August 7 in Hong Kong is the Rev. Scott Lawson. He will bring his wife, MaryBeth, and young daughter. Pastor Lawson is ordained in the Presbyterian Church USA and comes to serve Commuinity Church Hong Kong after five years as the founding pastor of the Ivyland Church in Pennsylvania.
Pastor Lawson was chosen by our Church Council upon the recommendation of our search committee which conducted an eight month's world search for the successor to our founding Pastor, the Rev. Gene Preston.
The entire congregation was thrilled with the response of seventy two applicants from a half dozen countries. The quality of the candidates was outstanding.
The Church Council together with the Search Committee wish to sincerely thank Rev. Gene Preston and his wife Nancy for the care, love and spiritual leadership they have showered on the congregation since it was founded three years ago. They played a key role in helping the congregation clarify and develop their vision for the Church. They will be remembered fondly for years to come.
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