LOVE IN PRACTICE Community Church Hong Kong (CCHK) was founded on the VISION to SPREAD THE LORD'S WORD AND TO SHARE THE LOVE OF GOD WITH ALL. The seed money was donated by local Hong Kong people who believed in this Vision. The Church was legally established in December, 1996 and charitable status was granted in the Spring of 1997.
Our church is independent though ecumenical, meaning the congregation governs and we respect all denominations and cooperate with cooperative church bodies like the Hong Kong Christian Council and support para-church groups like Heifer Project China, World Vision and other helping organizations. CCHK does not receive any government grant nor subsidy from any denominations or other churches.
Blessings have been heaped onto CCHK and we have benefited by the tremendous devotion of our founding friends. We began worship with nine adults and four children in our pastor's living room and within a year were a l00 adults and 25 children in a series of superb and almost unique public worship sites beginning in March l997 on Floor 39 of Lippo Centre and then in December at Central Plaza.
The staff is small: the pastor, a part-time secretary, two Sunday housekeepers. We have a Church Council of 12 and 4 advisors. We create task force groups to carry out specific programs as they arise such as seasonal visits to orphanages and hospitals, special events like our Christmas Sing-Along Messiah, and our support for Heifer Projects China.
Everyone who participates in our Sunday worship is considered a member. In addition we invite persons who are interested in committing themselves to share and bring forth the Vision of CCHK to take a further step of training and public commitment by becoming Serving Members.
We call upon Serving Members to be the Outreach Ambassadors of the congregation, to support the Council and pastor, to reach out to visitors, to help run the several task forces and occasional committees needed to realize our program, and to reinforce the Vision and Mission of CCHK.
Jennifer Shum (Chair), Janet Ho, Pearl Lam, Peter Lam, YB Lim, Lawrence Pak, Margaret Schaffer, Conrad So, Mary Vittachi, Nury Vittachi, Anson Wang, Andrew Young.
Advisors: David Elliott, Richard Lee, Helena Wong
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