Tracy's Pet Page!!>
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On June 15,1999, My friends Beth and Kathy surprised me at my house. With them they brought, whom they chrisened, Funky Piglet. But she will be called Piglet.
On April 26,2000, during the night Piggy passed away. She had been very sick for a few weeks. She will be terribly missed.
This is my very first picture taken. It was right after i came to my new home.
This is a picture after my first hair cut.
This is me and Tiger. He's not quite sure what i am. He Pushes on me like i am one of his squeak toys.
I like to play and sniff Tiger's toys. His Tigger puppet is my favorite. I can crawl into it and hide.
This is what i looked like after my hair cut.
My side profile, i'm so cute. Don't you agree?
Please leave me alone. Can't you see i'm trying to sleep.
I'm a nosy little piggy, i love to climb where i'm not supposed to be.
Time to play with mommie's toes. I love my Mommie.
I love lettuce. You can't see any, because i just ate it all. Can i have some more please?
Here i am in my least favorite place, the bathtub. I hate getting my weekly bath.
It's time for a water break.
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