Tracy's Pet Page!!>
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Hello. My name is Tiger. My Birthday is on October 7,1997. My family got me on November 19,1997. As you can see, I was to cute to resist.
I might be a poodle, but i think i'm a tiger. Even at a young age, i knew that i am the leader of the family. And if my family wouldn't let me do what i wanted, i would bark until they would. I'm not to shy to give my opinion on anything.
I started my shoe fetish at a very young age. Today i still like to take a shoe and chew on it. Socks are very nice, too.
By the picture, you can see how small i was. Not even bigger then my toy box. Of course now i've out grown it and even have a new one because i chewed it up.
This is me after my first hair cut. I hate the bows. They drive me crazy.
This is my bun-bun. I like to sleep with it. It makes a good headrest. And it's fun to play with.
I love to play in snow. I don't know why, i just always feel so good afterward..
These are a few pictures of me after my surgery. Can you see all my spots?
 This is me and my chair. No one can sit in it but me. And if you do, you are required to play with me.
Please leave me alone. Can't you see that i'm trying to sleep.
Anyone want to play ball. I can squeak it very well.

Tigger and me. I love all my Tigger toys.

I love toys, especially my stuffed ducks. I take them everywhere.

The best place to sit is in Daddy's lap.

Me, Tigger, and my chair.
I have to go now. Please come back and see some more pictures of me later.
Visitors have been welcomed to my home since August 10, 1998.
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