Why not tell us about your Brownie promise? |
here to send a message. |
When a new Brownie joins the pack, she learns the
Brownie promise and law, while
she is finding out what it means to be a Brownie. Brownies all over the world
make a promise. Maybe yours has different words, but we all promise to do
our best.
A new Brownie hears or reads the Brownie story, and learns
all about the things Brownies do. When she is ready to become a Brownie,
the pack holds a special
enrolment ceremony.
Then the fun really starts.
All the Brownies are on a journey - Footpath first, then Road, followed by
Highway for the older Brownies.
Each journey has 8 challenges and each Brownie helps to choose her own
challenges. Look around the site to see some of the things we might do.
Last, but not least, comes the GO! challenge thinking up interesting activities
to do with the other Brownies. |
While we are Brownies, we can work on interest badges - in
almost anything that interests us. (You might call them Patches or Try-its)
Here are just a few of them:-
Hostess - the newest Brownies look after our guests at the enrolment
evening. They make a table decoration and delicious cakes.
Crime prevention
Thrift - mountains of old foil, stamps and cards were collected. See the
Lend a Hand page
Collector - the Brownies have collected all kinds of things, from hair slides
to teddy bears, dolls, ornaments and many more
Safety in the Home
Cook - see the pictures on the Keep healthy
First aid
Look around the site to find some other badges we have been doing. |
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