Poochigian E-Mail
Group What is Pooch eGroup? With Poochigian Archives - Family History & Genealogy (www.poochigianfamily.com) web site's FREE eGroup feature called Poochigian E-Mail Group (Pooch eGroup), you can send messages and keep in touch with Poochigian family members. Our private Pooch eGroup now includes over 85 Poochigian, Poochikian, Poutchigian, Poutchikian and Bouchikian family members from the U.S.A., Canada, Australia, Japan, and Lebanon. Members can easily send information, chat, talk, poll group members, make plans, schedule events, and much more! Because our eGroup is a private group, it is open to Poochigian family members only, and you will have to become a Pooch eGroup member before you can post messages or read the group messages. How Do Join Pooch-eGroup? If you're on the Poochigian Family Tree, you can become a member of our Poochigian E-Mail Group, otherwise known as Pooch eGroup. Just enter your email address in the "Subscribe to Poochigian E-Mail Group" dialog box above, and click the "Join Group" button. Your request to join our private Pooch eGroup will be submitted for approval. If you are a member of the Poochigian family, your request will be approved. You will receive notification about your membership by email. If you have any questions, please contact poochmail@aol.com. What Do I Do When I Become a Member? Once you have received notification of your approved membership in our Pooch eGroup, you will receive an email that asks you to introduce yourself to the group. To do this, you send an email to the group and tell us: 1. Your name 2. Your city, state and country of residence 3. Family members
(i.e., spouse, children, parents, 4. Other information
about yourself (i.e., occupation, 5. What you would like
to know about each Remember, only Poochigian family members will receive your introduction. Once you introduce yourself to the Pooch eGroup, you can freely participate in Pooch eGroup by posting and reading messages as often or as little as you like. |