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Vision 2000
Bringing the Future Into Focus Through the Eyes of God
- Immediately form a Building Committee to oversee the construction of a multi-purpose ministry building. The goal for completion is
fall 1998. The size is to be approximately 3,000 to 3,500 square feet at an
estimated cost of $50.00/square foot. This space will be used immediately by the
youth for Sunday School, Power Hour and other large group activities. At the
completion of the proposed Student Center, this building
would be used for other ministries. The Building Committee would work closely with
the Minister of Students with input from the Staff Associate and Minister of
Education. This project would be paid for from within the budget debt retirement
line item.
- To fund the following items of this plan, a capital funds campaign
would be carried out during the fall of 1998. In the spring of 1998, a
committee would be formed to carry out the campaign. The campaign's focus will be on
a three-year pledge commitment to the building and renovation proposals. The goal at
the end of this campaign would be to have a total indebtedness equal to or less than the
church budget for that year. The Minister of Administration would work closely with
this committee.
- Immediately form a Building Committee to oversee the construction
of a Family Life Center. They would work with a design and building company
or an architect with a completion goal of the year 2000. This building would include
space for our Activities Ministry with adult and senior adult education classrooms.
The committee would work closely with the Activities Director with input from the Minister
of Administration.
- In the spring of 1998, form an Oversight Committee to make recommendations and oversee
the renovation of the Worship Center. They would seek
to enhance the appearance and usage of the Worship Center and provide space to meet ADA
recommendations. The Minister of Music would work closely with this committee.
- In the fall of 1998, give the Building and Grounds Committee authority to develop a plan
to enclose the front walkway with a glass wall. This
would enhance a centralized entrance area for visitors and aid in the improvement of the
Welcome Center.
- At the completion of the Family Life Center form a committee to develop the plans and
carry out the project of renovating the existing Activities Building
into a Student Center. The Minister of Students,
with input from the Minister of Education, would work with this committee.
- Upon the availability of new educational space, the current choir
suite would be expanded and remodeled under the direction of the Building and
Grounds Committee and the Minister of Music.
See our History Page for a glimpse of the past.