First Baptist Church of Pleasant Grove


    On October 18, 1903, a group of interested people met for the purpose of organizing the Harmony Baptist Church.

    On February 25, 1905, Bro. Lee Anthony was elected and ordained as the first deacon of the church.

    In May 1951, work began on the construction of the auditorium now remodeled for educational space.  The first services were held in this building on September 7, 1952...only fifteen months after beginning the foundation.

    On June 1, 1958, Building "B" was completed and in April 1962, plans were being drawn for Unit Three of the Educational Building, (Building "C").

    On August 14, 1968, by a unanimous vote of the church, the name of the church was changed from Harmony Baptist Church to First Baptist Church.

    February 1970, the church sold $260,000.00 in bonds to construct the Activities Building which was dedicated in July 1975.

    On March 24, 1974, the church voted to borrow $255,000.00 to build additional educational space which would also be used for the Church School.  The school occupied the building in April 1975.

    On March 9, 1977, the church voted to authorize the Trustees to borrow $850,000.00 to construct a new auditorium.  Construction was begun in July 1977 and plans were to occupy the new auditorium in November 1978.  This is the sanctuary we currently worship in.

    Since 1968, the value of the church property has increased from $387,000.00 to over $5,000,000.00.  The church staff has increased from Pastor, Church Secretary, and part-time Minister of Music, to a staff today consisting of an Associate Pastor, Minister of Music, Minister of Pastoral Care, Minister to Students, Minister to College/Career, Activities Director, and five full-time secretaries and two part-time secretaries.  See our Staff page for a complete list.

    In 1983, the old sanctuary, now called Stokes Chapel, was renovated.   In 1991, we began and completed construction on a new Preschool Building and in 1993 the old preschool area was renovated to make a new office suite.

    The blessings of God have been numerous.  The future of First Baptist Church looks brighter that ever before.  To God Be The Glory!