Home Depot
 Off Grade
 Bulletin Board

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 Destruction Of Our Business

Another big reason to keep Home Depot out of your community is the destruction they cause to other businesses. I have read a lot on the web about Groups trying to fight Goliath from getting into their community. They mention the fact that they run all the competition out of business. This is true but they also put businesses under that need the quality materials they received in the past. In our case it was lumber. The Home Depot brought in below grade lumber and over a period of a couple of years ruined us. We hand built quality pine furniture and sold it for very reasonable prices. We had the opportunity to sell very large quantities of our furniture line to Sears, Builders Square, Cracker Barrel , and 400 armoires and night stands to a major hotel chain in the Caribbean. We were also offered retail space in an exclusive store on Palm Beach. This is the Super High Rent District. Our furniture would have been sold on consignment with no overhead cost to us. But Home Depot did not deliver as they promised. Instead after Barbara's accident Tony Brown  stopped our lumber Program. If Goliath never came in and run all the Lumber yards out of business we would have had no trouble filling those orders. The Lumber Center could have filled all are needs for quality lumber on their own. They had a great business in Orlando and when they sold a number 2 board, it was number 2. As usual Goliath put them under. Thanks to The Home Depot we are no more. We built furniture of a Quality you do not see much of nowadays. Everything was built out of solid pines boards. No plywood or laminates even the backs of our cabinets were solid pine. And as you can see from the photos, we were very well priced.

Tony Brown strikes the final blow. He puts us out of business. Click here for details and documentation.

Copyright © GT 1998 All Rights Reserved

Please Note That All References Made In This Website To #1 Pine Boards and #2 Pine Boards Are Called 1 COMMON and 2 COMMON Under Lumber Grading Rules.
