1. Jess1 Youree birth date unknown.
He married Zora Fleming. Zora was born 1902. Zora was the daughter of William A. Fleming and Lucy L. Ramsey. Zora died 1986 at 84 years of age. At 32 years of age Zora became the mother of Billy Rex Youree July 8, 1934.
Jess became the father of Billy Rex Youree July 8, 1934.
Jess Youree and Zora Fleming had the following child:
Billy Rex2 Youree was born July 8, 1934. Billy died June 24, 1992 at 57
years of age. His body was interred aft. June 24, 1992 Fannin County, Texas, Virginia Point Cemetery. He married Lois M. Craft. Lois was born Oct. 7, 1936.
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