1. John1 Williams birth date unknown.
John Williams and Myrt Unknown had the following child:
Julie Joe2 Williams. She married Dale Ray Cooley
Phoenix, Arizonia, Dec. 29, 1989. Dale was born Galesburg, Illinois Aug. 20, 1969. Dale is the son of Donald E.
Cooley and Donna Jeanne Miles. At 26 years of age Dale became the father of Elizabeth Nicole Cooley Moline,
Illinois, Nov. 10, 1995. At 27 years of age Dale became the father of Brandon Jacob Cooley Moline, Illinois, Dec.
4, 1996. (See Dale Ray Cooley for the continuation of this line.)
Julie became the mother of Elizabeth Nicole Cooley Moline, Illinois, Nov. 10, 1995. Julie became the mother of Brandon Jacob Cooley Moline, Illinois, Dec. 4, 1996.
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