1. Danel R.1 Warford birth date unknown.
He married Cathy Virginia Burnau Sept. 1975. Cathy was born Sept. 10, 1948. Cathy is the daughter of Leslie Burnau and Blanche Violet Newkirk. At 20 years of age Cathy became the mother of Marni Schleuning May 7, 1969. At 28 years of age Cathy became the mother of Michael Patrick Warford Topeka, Kansas, Nov. 20, 1976.
Danel became the father of Michael Patrick Warford Topeka, Kansas, Nov. 20, 1976.
Danel R. Warford and Cathy Virginia Burnau had the following child:
Michael Patrick2 Warford was born Topeka, Kansas Nov. 20, 1976.
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