SMITH Family

First Generation

1. Horace H.1 Smith was born Jan. 27, 1833. Horace died April 18, 1913 at 80 years of age.

He married Sophia Word Kincaid Cambell County, Tennessee, Feb. 4, 1858. Sophia was born Cambell County, Tennessee Dec. 4, 1840. Sophia was the daughter of John Kincaid and Elizabeth B. Moss. Sophia died Dec. 20, 1900 at 60 years of age.

Horace H. Smith and Sophia Word Kincaid had the following children:

child 2 i. Helen2 Smith.

child 3 ii. Marjori Smith.

child 4 iii. William J. Smith.

child 5 iv. Bettie E. Smith.

child 6 v. Elliott P. Smith.

child 7 vi. Samuel Smith.

child 8 vii. Helen S. Smith.

child 9 viii. Florren A. Smith.

child 10 ix. Mary O. Smith.

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