1. James1 Kelsey was born Kentucky 1805.
He married Elizabeth Vandeveer. Elizabeth was born Indiana June 15, 1815. At 22 years of age Elizabeth became the mother of Margaret Ann Kelsey Swan Creek, Warren County, Illinois, Aug. 24, 1837.
At 32 years of age James became the father of Margaret Ann Kelsey Swan Creek, Warren County, Illinois, Aug. 24, 1837.
James Kelsey and Elizabeth Vandeveer had the following child:
Margaret Ann2 Kelsey was born Swan Creek, Warren County, Illinois Aug. 24,
1837. Margaret died May 14, 1919 Swan Creek, Warren County, Illinois, at 81 years of age. She
married James Francesway Jared Warren County, Illinois, Oct. 4, 1865. James was born Breckenbridge County,
Kentucky May 20, 1834. James was the son of John Jared and Elizabeth Bandy. James died Jan. 30, 1901 Roseville,
Warren County, Illinois, at 66 years of age. At 32 years of age James became the father of Benjamin Franklin Jared
Warren County, Illinois, Aug. 8, 1866. At 34 years of age James became the father of Butler Jared Warren County,
Illinois, Nov. 4, 1868. At 34 years of age James became the father of Clarence Hardin Jared Warren County,
Illinois, March 17, 1869. At 36 years of age James became the father of Johnny Lonman Jared Warren County,
Illinois, Nov. 12, 1870. At 37 years of age James became the father of Pearl Jared Warren County, Illinois, Feb.
8, 1872. At 40 years of age James became the father of James Claude Jared Warren County, Illinois, Aug. 11, 1874. At 41
years of age James became the father of Harry Jared Warren County, Illinois, April 26, 1876. (See James Francesway Jared for the continuation of this line.)
At 28 years of age Margaret became the mother of Benjamin Franklin Jared Warren County, Illinois, Aug. 8, 1866. At 31 years of age Margaret became the mother of Butler Jared Warren County, Illinois, Nov. 4, 1868. At 31 years of age Margaret became the mother of Clarence Hardin Jared Warren County, Illinois, March 17, 1869. At 33 years of age Margaret became the mother of Johnny Lonman Jared Warren County, Illinois, Nov. 12, 1870. At 34 years of age Margaret became the mother of Pearl Jared Warren County, Illinois, Feb. 8, 1872. At 36 years of age Margaret became the mother of James Claude Jared Warren County, Illinois, Aug. 11, 1874. At 38 years of age Margaret became the mother of Harry Jared Warren County, Illinois, April 26, 1876.
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