First Generation

1. William1 Kirkpatrick birth date unknown.

He married Martha Ellen Hayes. Martha became the mother of Katherine Kirkpatrick Pennsylvania, Feb. 27, 1817.

William became the father of Katherine Kirkpatrick Pennsylvania, Feb. 27, 1817.

William Kirkpatrick and Martha Ellen Hayes had the following child:

child 2 i. Katherine2 Kirkpatrick was born Pennsylvania Feb. 27, 1817. Katherine died Feb. 18, 1904 Arbela, Scotland, Missouri, at 86 years of age. She married Henry Harrison Sprague Edgar County, Illinois, Jan. 6, 1835. Henry was born Astubula County, Ohio Feb. 13, 1813. Henry died Dec. 27, 1881 Warrensburg, Johnson County, Missouri, at 68 years of age. His body was interred aft. Dec. 27, 1881 Johnson County, Missouri, Mineral Creek Cemetery. At 23 years of age Henry became the father of Lewis Marion Sprague Edgar County, Illinois, Oct. 6, 1836. At 25 years of age Henry became the father of William Truman Sprague Decatur, Macon County, Illinois, Nov. 27, 1838. At 27 years of age Henry became the father of Mary Olive Sprague Decatur, Macon County, Illinois, Feb. 2, 1841. At 30 years of age Henry became the father of Luther Abraham Sprague Memphis, Scotland County, Missouri, April 19, 1843. At 36 years of age Henry became the father of Milton Jasper Sprague Saltillo, Nebraska, Dec. 23, 1849. (See Henry Harrison Sprague for the continuation of this line.)

At 19 years of age Katherine became the mother of Lewis Marion Sprague Edgar County, Illinois, Oct. 6, 1836. At 21 years of age Katherine became the mother of William Truman Sprague Decatur, Macon County, Illinois, Nov. 27, 1838. At 23 years of age Katherine became the mother of Mary Olive Sprague Decatur, Macon County, Illinois, Feb. 2, 1841. At 26 years of age Katherine became the mother of Luther Abraham Sprague Memphis, Scotland County, Missouri, April 19, 1843. At 32 years of age Katherine became the mother of Milton Jasper Sprague Saltillo, Nebraska, Dec. 23, 1849.

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