KNOOP Family

First Generation

1. William1 Knoop birth date unknown.

William Knoop had the following child:

child 2 i. Emma M.2 Knoop. She married George Witherspoon Scott Oct. 21, 1873. George was born Miami County, Ohio Sept. 21, 1849. George was the son of John Scott and Elizabeth Sproul. George died 1927 Cleveland, Ohio. At 28 years of age George became the father of Harry Scott May 18, 1878. At 30 years of age George became the father of Guy Ernest Scott Jan. 18, 1880. At 33 years of age George became the father of Beatrice K. Scott Nov. 21, 1882. At 40 years of age George became the father of Margarite B. Scott May 26, 1890. (See George Witherspoon Scott for the continuation of this line.)

Emma became the mother of Harry Scott May 18, 1878. Emma became the mother of Guy Ernest Scott Jan. 18, 1880. Emma became the mother of Beatrice K. Scott Nov. 21, 1882. Emma became the mother of Margarite B. Scott May 26, 1890.

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