1. John1 James birth date unknown.
He married Semsyl Davis. Semsyl became the mother of Isaac James Yalobusha County, Mississippi, Feb. 5, 1847.
John became the father of Isaac James Yalobusha County, Mississippi, Feb. 5, 1847.
John James and Semsyl Davis had the following child:
Isaac2 James(141) was born Yalobusha County, Mississippi Feb. 5, 1847. Isaac died Dec. 30, 1893
Grenada County, Mississippi, at 46 years of age. She married Laura Anne Trussell Yalobusha County,
Mississippi, Sept. 27, 1866. Laura was born Yalobusha County, Mississippi Oct. 16, 1846. Laura was the son of
Henry H. Trussell and Jane Stanley Smith. Laura died Jan. 21, 1927 Pleasant Grove, Mississippi, at 80 years of
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