1. Casper1 Jacobe birth date unknown.
He married Alice Thomas. Alice became the mother of Buelah Maude Jacobe Clarke County, Iowa, 1893.
Casper became the father of Buelah Maude Jacobe Clarke County, Iowa, 1893.
Casper Jacobe and Alice Thomas had the following child:
Buelah Maude2 Jacobe was born Clarke County, Iowa 1893. She married Elmer D. Wilber Creston, Iowa, Nov. 13, 1912. Elmer was born Union County,
iowa Oct 19, 1886. Elmer was the son of Derias Coler Wilber and Mary Jane Marr. Elmer died July 29, 1962
Iowa, at 75 years of age. His body was interred aft. July 29, 1962 Jones Township, Union County, Iowa, Beulah Cemetery.
At 27 years of age Elmer became the father of Mary Evangeline Wilber Afton, Union Township, Union County, Iowa, Nov. 16,
1913. At 28 years of age Elmer became the father of Edward Wesley Wilber Creston, Iowa, May 15, 1915. At 30 years of
age Elmer became the father of Richard Clarence Wilber Creston, Iowa, Dec. 5, 1916. At 32 years of age Elmer
became the father of Lawrence Elmo Wilber Creston, Iowa, Feb. 9, 1919. At 36 years of age Elmer became the father of
Quentin Warren Wilber Creston, Iowa, Aug. 29, 1923. (See Elmer D. Wilber for the
continuation of this line.)
At 20 years of age Buelah became the mother of Mary Evangeline Wilber Afton, Union Township, Union County, Iowa, Nov. 16, 1913. At 21 years of age Buelah became the mother of Edward Wesley Wilber Creston, Iowa, May 15, 1915. At 23 years of age Buelah became the mother of Richard Clarence Wilber Creston, Iowa, Dec. 5, 1916. At 25 years of age Buelah became the mother of Lawrence Elmo Wilber Creston, Iowa, Feb. 9, 1919. At 30 years of age Buelah became the mother of Quentin Warren Wilber Creston, Iowa, Aug. 29, 1923.
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