First Generation

1. Henry1 Hanson birth date unknown.

Henry became the father of Henrietta Hanson Denmark, July 27, 1863.

Henry Hanson had the following child:

child 2 i. Henrietta2 Hanson(114) was born Denmark July 27, 1863. Henrietta died Sept. 18, 1918 Alden, Minnesota, at 55 years of age. She married Nicolai Hansen 1882. Nicolai was born Denmark May 17, 1852. Nicolai died March 17, 1920 Wilton, Mclean County, North Dakota, at 67 years of age. At 30 years of age Nicolai became the father of William Hansen Wells, Minnesota, June 24, 1882. At 31 years of age Nicolai became the father of Charles Andrew Hansen Brainard, Crow Wing County, Minnesota, Feb. 23, 1884. At 33 years of age Nicolai became the father of Hans Peter Hansen Minnesota, Feb. 1886. At 36 years of age Nicolai became the father of Anna M. Hansen Minnesota, May 1889. At 43 years of age Nicolai became the father of Edna Hansen Wells, Faribault County, Minnesota, Jan. 1896. At 46 years of age Nicolai became the father of Louis Hansen Wells, Faribault County, Minnesota, Feb. 1899. At 52 years of age Nicolai became the father of Gertrude Hansen Carlston, Freeborn County, Minnesota, May 10, 1905. (See Nicolai Hansen for the continuation of this line.)

At 18 years of age Henrietta became the mother of William Hansen Wells, Minnesota, June 24, 1882. At 20 years of age Henrietta became the mother of Charles Andrew Hansen Brainard, Crow Wing County, Minnesota, Feb. 23, 1884. At 22 years of age Henrietta became the mother of Hans Peter Hansen Minnesota, Feb. 1886. At 25 years of age Henrietta became the mother of Anna M. Hansen Minnesota, May 1889. At 32 years of age Henrietta became the mother of Edna Hansen Wells, Faribault County, Minnesota, Jan. 1896. At 35 years of age Henrietta became the mother of Louis Hansen Wells, Faribault County, Minnesota, Feb. 1899. At 41 years of age Henrietta became the mother of Gertrude Hansen Carlston, Freeborn County, Minnesota, May 10, 1905.

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