1. William1 Fitzgerald birth date unknown.
He married Emma Downing. Emma became the mother of Cora Emma Belle Fitzgerald Ector, Texas, 1868.
William became the father of Cora Emma Belle Fitzgerald Ector, Texas, 1868.
William Fitzgerald and Emma Downing had the following child:
Cora Emma Belle2 Fitzgerald was born Ector, Texas 1868. Cora died
ca. 1939 Miami, Ottawa County, Oklahoma, at 71 years of age. Her body was interred ca. 1939 Grayson County, Texas,
Hebron Cemetery. She married John Shelton Ramsey Nov. 6, 1885. John was born Honey Grove, Fannin
County, Texas Jan. 6, 1867. John was the son of John Ziegler Ramsey and Judieth Edwards "Jude" Gilbert. John died
April 4, 1919 Grayson County, Texas, at 52 years of age. His body was interred aft. April 4, 1919 Grayson County,
Texas, Hebron Cemetery. At 25 years of age John became the father of Floyd Archer Ramsey Whitewright, Grayson County,
Texas, Nov. 21, 1892. At 26 years of age John became the father of Patrick H. Ramsey Grayson County, Texas, Dec.
29, 1893. At 28 years of age John became the father of Dana Lee Ramsey Oct. 21, 1895. At 31 years of age John became the
father of Olin Leslie "Runt" Ramsey Sept. 20, 1898. (See John Shelton Ramsey for the continuation
of this line.)
At 24 years of age Cora became the mother of Floyd Archer Ramsey Whitewright, Grayson County, Texas, Nov. 21, 1892. At 25 years of age Cora became the mother of Patrick H. Ramsey Grayson County, Texas, Dec. 29, 1893. At 27 years of age Cora became the mother of Dana Lee Ramsey Oct. 21, 1895. At 30 years of age Cora became the mother of Olin Leslie "Runt" Ramsey Sept. 20, 1898.
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