1. Jesse Floyd1 Fitzgerald birth date unknown.
He married Lilian Mae Wilson. Lilian was born 1889. At 20 years of age Lilian became the mother of Hilda Elizabeth Fitzgerald Linwood, North Carolina, Feb. 14, 1910.
Jesse became the father of Hilda Elizabeth Fitzgerald Linwood, North Carolina, Feb. 14, 1910.
Jesse Floyd Fitzgerald and Lilian Mae Wilson had the following child:
Hilda Elizabeth2 Fitzgerald was born Linwood, North Carolina Feb. 14,
1910. Hilda died Nov. 22, 1993 Lexington, Davidson County, North Carolina, at 83 years of age. She
married William Henry Lomax Boone Township, Davidson County, North Carolina, Dec. 24, 1954. William was born Churchland,
Davidson County, North Carolina April 17, 1892. William was the son of Robert Lee Lomax and Susan C. Grubb.
William died Aug. 8, 1956 Churchland, Davidson County, North Carolina, at 64 years of age. At 22 years of age William
became the father of Margaret Elaine Lomax Sept. 14, 1914. At 25 years of age William became the father of Eunice
Catherine Lomax Boone Township, Davidson County, North Carolina, Sept. 28, 1917. At 29 years of age William became the father
of Donald Henry Lomax Boone Township, Davidson County, North Carolina, Dec. 30, 1921. At 34 years of age William became
the father of Melvin Truitt Lomax Boone Township, Davidson County, North Carolina, Aug. 16, 1926. At 35 years of age
William became the father of Bobby Alton Lomax Boone Township, Davidson County, North Carolina, Jan. 29, 1928.
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