First Generation

1. Jesse Ellsworth1 Courtright birth date unknown.

He married Hannah Elizabeth Strahl.

Jesse Ellsworth Courtright and Hannah Elizabeth Strahl had the following child:

child 2 i. Minnie Blanche (Young) (McKiltrich)2 Courtright. She married Raymond Louis McCullough Cambridge, Illinois, Nov. 9, 1929. Raymond was born Knox County, Illinois Jan. 15, 1905. Raymond was the son of John Lewis McCullough and Mary Catherine Pool. Raymond died Aug. 30, 1988 Salem, Dent County, Missouri, at 83 years of age. His body was interred aft. Aug. 30, 1988 Salem, Missouri, Williams Cemetery. At 26 years of age Raymond became the father of Mary Catherine McCullough Galesburg, Illinois, April 10, 1931. (See Raymond Louis McCullough for the continuation of this line.)

Minnie became the mother of Mary Catherine McCullough Galesburg, Illinois, April 10, 1931.

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