1. Richard J.1 Drewyor birth date unknown.
He married Judy Fauver. Judy became the mother of D. Melodie Drewyor Utah, March 20, 1964.
Richard became the father of D. Melodie Drewyor Utah, March 20, 1964.
Richard J. Drewyor and Judy Fauver had the following child:
D. Melodie2 Drewyor was born Utah March 20, 1964. She married David Mare Cooley Denmark, May 18, 1989. David was born Galesburg, Illinois
July 20, 1963. David is the son of Donald E. Cooley and Donna Jeanne Miles. At 29 years of age David became the father
of Emma Elizarose Cooley Huntsville, Alabama, Dec. 22, 1992. At 31 years of age David became the father of David
Michael Cooley Huntsville, Alabama, Jan. 4, 1995. David was divorced from D. Melodie Drewyor Huntsville, Alabama,
May 1999. (See David Mare Cooley for the continuation of this line.)
At 28 years of age D. became the mother of Emma Elizarose Cooley Huntsville, Alabama, Dec. 22, 1992. At 30 years of age D. became the mother of David Michael Cooley Huntsville, Alabama, Jan. 4, 1995. D. was divorced from David Mare Cooley Huntsville, Alabama, May 1999.
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