1. Timothy1 Collins birth date unknown.
He married Kathleen Marie Stanley. Kathleen is the daughter of Carol Ann Stanley. Kathleen became the mother of Dania Collins Carlsbad, California, Feb. 25, 1988. Kathleen became the mother of James Collins McHenry, Illinois, Dec. 29, 1994. Kathleen was divorced from Timothy Collins June 1999.
Timothy became the father of Dania Collins Carlsbad, California, Feb. 25, 1988. Timothy became the father of James Collins McHenry, Illinois, Dec. 29, 1994. Timothy was divorced from Kathleen Marie Stanley June 1999.
Timothy Collins and Kathleen Marie Stanley had the following children:
Dania2 Collins was born Carlsbad, California Feb. 25, 1988.
James Collins was born McHenry, Illinois Dec. 29, 1994.
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