First Generation

1. Fred. B1 Clement was born abt. 1879.

He married Sarah E. "Sally" Lomax Davidson County, North Carolina, Aug. 14, 1897. Sarah was born Rowan County, North Carolina May 18, 1881. Sarah was the daughter of John Henry Lomax and Margaret Sophia Jane Wood. Sarah died Feb. 22, 1900 at 18 years of age. At 18 years of age Sarah became the mother of John Henry Clement Davidson County, North Carolina, Feb. 18, 1900.

At 20 years of age Fred. became the father of John Henry Clement Davidson County, North Carolina, Feb. 18, 1900.

Fred. B Clement and Sarah E. "Sally" Lomax had the following child:

child 2 i. John Henry2 Clement was born Davidson County, North Carolina Feb. 18, 1900. John died April 14, 1930. His body was interred aft. April 14, 1930 Lexington, North Carolina, City Cemetery. He married Mary Thomason Dec. 24, 1919. Mary was born Nov. 12, 1900. Mary died April 22, 1979. Her body was interred aft. April 22, 1979 Lexington, North Carolina, City Cemetery.

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