1. James Felix1 Brown birth date unknown.
He married Allie Loyd Harwood. Allie became the mother of Felix Harwood Brown Houlka, Chickasaw County, Mississippi, March 6, 1911.
James became the father of Felix Harwood Brown Houlka, Chickasaw County, Mississippi, March 6, 1911.
James Felix Brown and Allie Loyd Harwood had the following child:
Felix Harwood2 Brown(42) was born Houlka, Chickasaw County, Mississippi March 6, 1911. Felix died Dec.
26, 1996 Oxford, Lafayette County, Mississippi, at 85 years of age. His body was interred aft. Dec. 26, 1996 Houlka, Chickasaw
County, Mississippi, Rose Hill Cemetery. He married Helen Erlene Mathis June 14, 1940. Helen
was born Houlka, Chickasaw County, Mississippi April 17, 1913. Helen was the daughter of Henry Lacy Mathis and Annie
Nina Cole.
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