First Generation

1. Swen1 Bergstrom birth date unknown.

He married Dorothy Unknown. Dorothy became the mother of Dorothy Mary Ann Bergstrom Terrytown, New York, April 26, 1951.

Swen became the father of Dorothy Mary Ann Bergstrom Terrytown, New York, April 26, 1951.

Swen Bergstrom and Dorothy Unknown had the following child:

child 2 i. Dorothy Mary Ann2 Bergstrom was born Terrytown, New York April 26, 1951. She married John Steven Campbell May 12, 1973. John was born Galesburg, Illinois April 1, 1952. John is the son of John S. Campbell and Marian Annabelle Poole. At 25 years of age John became the father of Michael Andrew Campbell Des Plaines, Illinois, Sept. 27, 1977. At 27 years of age John became the father of Jonathon Alan Campbell Des Plains, Illinois, Oct. 14, 1979. (See John Steven Campbell for the continuation of this line.)

At 26 years of age Dorothy became the mother of Michael Andrew Campbell Des Plaines, Illinois, Sept. 27, 1977. At 28 years of age Dorothy became the mother of Jonathon Alan Campbell Des Plains, Illinois, Oct. 14, 1979.

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