First Generation

1. Cleve1 Brozek birth date unknown.

He married Esther Unknown. Esther became the mother of Susan Carol Brozek Columbus, Wisconsin, March 13, 1946.

Cleve became the father of Susan Carol Brozek Columbus, Wisconsin, March 13, 1946.

Cleve Brozek and Esther Unknown had the following child:

child 2 i. Susan Carol2 Brozek was born Columbus, Wisconsin March 13, 1946. She married Owen Curtis Poole Oct. 28, 1967. Owen was born Beloit, Wisconsin Feb. 1, 1945. Owen is the son of Ernest Lloyd Poole and Jennis Otheila Rebnord. At 24 years of age Owen became the father of James Curtis Poole Madison, Wisconsin, Feb. 11, 1969. At 27 years of age Owen became the father of William Conant Poole Madison, Wisconsin, Aug. 8, 1972. (See Owen Curtis Poole for the continuation of this line.)

At 22 years of age Susan became the mother of James Curtis Poole Madison, Wisconsin, Feb. 11, 1969. At 26 years of age Susan became the mother of William Conant Poole Madison, Wisconsin, Aug. 8, 1972.

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