1. John1 Bennett birth date unknown.
He married Phebe Unknown. Phebe became the mother of Deborah Bennett Fairfield, Connecticut, abt. March 1694/1695. Phebe became the mother of Rachel Bennett March 1702/1703.
John became the father of Deborah Bennett Fairfield, Connecticut, abt. March 1694/1695. John became the father of Rachel Bennett March 1702/1703.
John Bennett and Phebe Unknown had the following children:
Deborah2 Bennett was born Fairfield, Connecticut abt. March 1694/1695.
Deborah died Feb. 25, 1757 at 61 years of age. She married Ebenezer Allen Fairfield,
Connecticut, Nov. 12, 1731. Ebenezer was born Oct. 9, 1704. Ebenezer was the son of Gideon Allen and Mary Wright.
Rachel Bennett was born March 1702/1703. She married Joseph Allen Fairfield,
Connecticut, March 26, 1724. Joseph was born Guilford, Connecticut June 27, 1702. Joseph was the son of Gideon
Allen and Mary Wright. Joseph died bet. March/Oct. 1776 at 73 years of age.
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