First Generation

1. Austin Alexander1 Benson birth date unknown.

He married Ella Getrude Unknown. Ella became the mother of Lloyd Austin Benson Feb. 8, 1902.

Austin became the father of Lloyd Austin Benson Feb. 8, 1902.

Austin Alexander Benson and Ella Getrude Unknown had the following child:

child 2 i. Lloyd Austin2 Benson was born Feb. 8, 1902. Lloyd died Jan. 5, 1967 Oklahoma, at 64 years of age. He married Ila Ann Pool Cumberland, Marshall County, Oklahoma, Dec. 1, 1921. Ila was born Cumberland, Marshall County, Oklahoma Aug. 15, 1902. Ila was the daughter of Lorenzo Dow Pool and Cordelia Crisp. Ila died Sept. 8, 1945 Talihina, Le Flore County, Oklahoma, at 43 years of age. Her body was interred Sept. 1945 Ardmore, Carter County, Oklahoma, Rosehill Cemetery. At 24 years of age Ila became the mother of Morene Fay Ryan Ardmore, Carter County, Oklahoma, Aug. 13, 1927. At 27 years of age Ila became the mother of Margie Inez Ryan Ardmore, Carter County, Oklahoma, Jan. 11, 1930.

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