1. Amaziah Buschor1 Beeson was born Guilford County, North Carolina May 23, 1766.
He married Isabelle Burcham Primwell Baptist, Surry County, North Carolina, 1792. Isabelle was born Surry County, North Carolina Feb. 27, 1776. Isabelle was the daughter of John Burcham and Mary Swearington. At 25 years of age Isabelle became the mother of Amaziah Beeson Westland, Pennsylvania, March 11, 1801.
At 34 years of age Amaziah became the father of Amaziah Beeson Westland, Pennsylvania, March 11, 1801.
Amaziah Buschor Beeson and Isabelle Burcham had the following child:
Amaziah2 Beeson was born March 11, 1801.
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