First Generation

1. John1 Burcham was born Fredrick County, Virginia 1736. John died 1811/1812 Surry County, North Carolina, at 76 years of age.

He married Mary Swearington Fredrick County, Virginia, abt. 1760. Mary was born Fredrick County, Virginia 1738. At 21 years of age Mary became the mother of Mary Burcham Surry, North Carolina, March 13, 1760. At 37 years of age Mary became the mother of Isabelle Burcham Surry County, North Carolina, Feb. 27, 1776.

At 23 years of age John became the father of Mary Burcham Surry, North Carolina, March 13, 1760. At 39 years of age John became the father of Isabelle Burcham Surry County, North Carolina, Feb. 27, 1776.

John Burcham and Mary Swearington had the following children:

child 2 i. Mary2 Burcham was born Surry, North Carolina March 13, 1760. Mary died 1830/1850 at 71 years of age. She married John Hiatt abt. 1780. John was born Rowan, Guilford County, North Carolina March 19, 1756. John was the son of William Hiatt and Susannah Hodgson. John died 1830/1850 at 75 years of age. At 30 years of age John became the father of Rachel Hiatt ca. 1786. (See John Hiatt for the continuation of this line.)

At 26 years of age Mary became the mother of Rachel Hiatt ca. 1786.

child 3 ii. Isabelle Burcham was born Surry County, North Carolina Feb. 27, 1776. She married Amaziah Buschor Beeson Primwell Baptist, Surry County, North Carolina, 1792. Amaziah was born Guilford County, North Carolina May 23, 1766. At 34 years of age Amaziah became the father of Amaziah Beeson Westland, Pennsylvania, March 11, 1801. (See Amaziah Buschor Beeson for the continuation of this line.)

At 25 years of age Isabelle became the mother of Amaziah Beeson Westland, Pennsylvania, March 11, 1801.

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