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Walk of Fame
By Crystal J Paulk  
Marietta Daily Journal Staff Writer  
Copyright 1998 Marietta Daily Journal 
Walking in Honor Two local teachers leave their mark on students, Square
   The Chinese Theater celebrity walk in the Los Angeles doesn't have anything on the Marietta Square's Teacher Walk of Honor.  One hundred marble stones align the west side of Glover Park where, each year, tow stones are inscribed with the names and sandblasted with the hand prints of teachers of the year representing both Cobb and Marietta school systems.  
   Wednesday, Darllene Darby, a secondaries at A.L. Burruss Elementary School in Marietta, and Kim Stewart, a seventh-grade teacher at Dodgen Middle School in Cobb, unveiled their hand prints before their students, families, and 15 former teachers of the year.  
   "We commend you on your continued dedication to your students and public education," said State School Board Chair Johnny Isakson.  
   The walk of honor is part of the chamber's education recognition program, which started in 1988.  Post Properties made a 50-year commitment to sponsoring the marble stepping-stones.  
   "You're not often given many chances in life to do anything long lasting," said Janie Maddox, vice president of Post Apartment Homes, who co-chaired the chamber's Education Steering Committee in 1988.  
   Surrounded by her A.L. Burruss students, Mrs. Darby cried when her stone was unveiled.  
"This is just overwhelming," she said.  "The greatest reward is having former students come back or see them graduate as valedictorians."  
   Mrs. Darby has been teaching for 18 years and has taught at A.L. Burruss since it opened 12 years ago.  
Staff photos by Barry Shapiro of the Marietta Daily Journal.
    She is pursuing an administrative certificate from Troy State University.  Her husband, and two daughters, were among the crowd.  A.L. Buruss principal Jerry Locke also attended along with Marietta schools Superintendent Ron Galloway and school board members.
     Waving banners and signs, nine Dodgen Middle School students cheered on Ms. Stewart, who has taught at Dodgen for six years.  
 "There are many more wonderful teachers I work with every day." Ms. Steward said.  "I think of myself as their representative.  More than  ever we need to take the opportunity to bridge the gap between school, home and community."
    Mrs. Stewart has been teaching for 12 years with Cobb County and sponsors the Dodgen Middle Student Council and serves on the Renaissance Committee that recognizes student academics.  Her husband, and daughter, attended the ceremony. 
    Dodgen Middle principal Diane Ray also attended along with Cobb schools Superintendent Richard Benjamin and school board member Laura Searecy.  
   Many other community members were in attendance, Where the event became a celebration for the future of good education.  
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MHS IndexPurpose of Marietta Schools FoundationWalk of FameSupporters of MSFJackie Smallwood Ball Feild
Class of 63's 35th year ReunionClass of 1963'ss 40th Reunion'63 Band TripAnaley Meaders 1945-2005email Neil Barfield about MHS School Foundation