16 The second beast also forced all people, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to have a mark on
their right hand or on their forehead.
For the past few decades the banking industry has continued to seek ways to reduce if not
eliminate costly paper transactions, which cost about $1 per transaction. One way of doing
this was to use Electronic transfers, which cost about 3 cents per transaction. Advanced
computer technology has opened doors that are quickly leading to paperless/cashless
Sematech in Austin, Texas developed a computer chip in 1993 that is only .35 microns
wide--roughly 1/200th the size of a human hair.
17 No one could buy or sell without this mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of it's name. Rev. 13:16-17
There exists today a technology called RFID(Radio Frequency IDentification)
A microchip, which stores pertinent information and can be scanned, is placed into a card
or amulet.
How this technology is currently being used;
in toll booths - cars carry a microchip which is then scanned by an overhead sensor
automatically deducting the toll from a prepaid account as the car travels. [USA Today
Nov. 29, 1996]
in gas stations, using an amulet, to automatically charge an account for the gas bought.
[US News & World Report March 1997]
by police to "bait" cars. A microchip is hidden in a potential high risk car, when the car
is stolen it is tracked to the "chop shop" where they bust up the theft ring.[Related story
Tulsa World 1/9/97]
to verify the identity, using cards, of Cuban and Haitian refugees at Norfolk Naval base,
Surinam, Panama and Guantanamo Bay(the cards are often lost deliberately necessitating
reidentification). [PIN: Personal Identification News Sept/Oct 1994]
in exotic animals and pets, by microchip implants, to prove ownership and aid in
returning pets to owners. [Time February 19, 1990]
in new cars to aid in positioning and even unlocking your car door by a signal should you
lock the keys inside. [Cadillac commercials]
Hughes Missiles Systems Company uses microchips to track aircraft and vehicles
The U.S. Military will have new dog tags by the year 2000. The dog tags or
PIC's(Personal Information Carriers) could contain 256 megabytes of information,
including voice and other data according to the Defense Department.
Visitors in Bill Gates' $53 million mansion "can wear `smart pins' that signal
their location within the house so heating, lighting and other comforts are
automatically set to their tastes"
[From wire reports Dallas Morning News Jan. 31, 1998]
Mondex Co. will be introducing Smart cards, which use microchip technology, nation wide
in India, China, Indonesia(3 of the 5 most populated countries in the world) Hong Kong,
Canada, U.K. Australia, New Zealand(all currently or formerly British colonies) Israel and
8 other countries by 1998. [C.B. Canada 5/25/97]
Mondex was founded by NATWEST the personal bank of the Royal Family.
On Jan. 21, 1996 the Philadelphia Inquirer reported; "Thirty years from now, chips will be
implanted in our bodies encoded with credit card, passport, driver's license and other
personal information." Other experts say it won't take that long.
"GPS(Global Positioning System) locators may someday be sewn into children's clothing,
worn as amulets, or built into wristwatches" (all of which can be lost or tampered with)
[Popular Science Dec. 1996 page 95]
Dr. Carl Sanders, an electronics engineer spent 32 years in design engineering designing
microchips in the Bio-Med field. He was also the senior engineer of the microchip.
"This microchip is recharged by body temperature changes."
"Over one and a half million dollars was spent finding out that the two places in the body
that the temperature changes the most rapidly are in the forehead (primary position), right
below the hairline, and the back of the hand (alternative position)"
"There are bills before congress right now that will allow them to inject a microchip in your
child at the time of birth for identification purposes."
[Nexus Magazine June-July 1994 Vol. 2, Number 20]
The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 provides the President of the U.S.
authority to use whatever means necessary to control the population.
We are currently under a National Emergency, enacted on Nov. 14, 1994 due to "unusual
and extraordinary threats to national security from Nuclear, Biological and Chemical weapons" The "emergency" was re-instated in 1995, 1996 and again on Nov. 14, 1997. "I am continuing the national emergency declared in Executive Order 12938."
William J. Clinton
November 12, 1997 |
Further, Internal microchip implants might one day enable the "deaf to hear and the blind
to see". [Popular Science Oct. 1994]
Writing in a recent Forbes Magazine issue, Ann March, forecasting about the typical
American family about the year 2008 said;
" . . .Both family cars are equipped with global-positioning satellite receivers and locator
beacons. Devices pinned to the kids' shirts sound an alarm if they wander too close to the
street. Mom and dad carry cell phones that double as personal locators that can find them
anywhere on the planet. The parents, the kids and the dogs all have microchips under
their skin with ID and medical data.
There's lively debate as to whether surveillance technology will bring on Orwell's 1984,
making us all slaves of the state, or constitute a giant step toward human freedom. Either
way, the [explicitive] thing is practically here. Let the chips fall where they may."
![]() |
17 No one could buy or sell without this mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of it's name. Rev. 13:16-17
Interesting new technology -
A robot that looks human and speaks and is a replica of a Buddhist priest has blinking
"eyes, convincing skin tone and a moving mouth". It is a fixture at the Yokohama Chuo
cemetery in Tokyo and was designed as an aid to worshippers in Japan.
University of Tokyo engineers have created a new robot that looks human with synthetic
skin and a neural network that lets it display five various moods. In the future, cameras
behind the eyes will recognize expressions on human faces and react appropriately on
those cues.
Rev. 13:15
15 He was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that it could speak and cause all who
refused to worship the image to be killed.
Many state governments are initiating various methods of controlling Welfare fraud. Texas, for example, recently started using debit cards for all welfare recipients. The Illinois Department of Public Aid, on the other hand, is requiring participants fingerprints before they will be issued thier AFDC checks. A copy of the document
And so the noose tightens.
"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order." -- David Rockefeller |
All computers containing software codes that do not recognize the 4 digit "2000" may go "haywire" at the stroke of midnight Dec. 31, 1999.
Not only are software codes involved, but also imbedded microchips with internal clocks.
Imagine that on New Years Eve 1999 you set your coffee maker, telling it to have your coffee ready when you get up. But instead of making your coffee at 6:00am Jan. 1, 2000 it reads the command as 6:00am Jan. 1, 1900 because it only recognizes the last two digits. The coffee machine thinks it performed the command 100 years ago, so no coffee.
Big deal? What about the internal clocks in;
Hospital Life support systems?
Airline Jets?
Computerized Cars?
Mass transit systems?
Water and Electrical systems?
Traffic lights?
How will they interpret commands?
These are just SOME of the Public Safety areas of concern, what about the financial areas?
All the world Stock exchanges are computerized and the World banking industry is linked via computers.
The success rate in computer programming "trouble shooting" is around 80% the first time around.
As an example,
The Social Security System mails out 50 million checks each month. If the system's addresses were only 80% accurate, 10 MILLION checks would go out incorrectly each month.
This is built in WORLDWIDE economic collapse SCHEDULED to happen.
Isn't it interesting that there is less than 2 years until this unforgiving deadline rolls around, yet one in five major companies have a plan to fix the problem. Several Major COUNTRIES are failing to seriously address the problem. Seventy Percent of the WORLD hasn't done anything about the Y2K Problem.
There is one exception however...
*** UAE says solves its millennium bug problem
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) said it had succeeded in solving the millennium bug problem at all state offices which it had feared would disrupt older computer programs by the end of the century.
"The (UAE)cabinet had been informed of the success which was achieved on May 18," Minister of Finance and Industry Mohammad Khalfan bin Kharbash said in remarks carried by local newspapers Wednesday. Kharbash said the solution would solve the millennium bug for all UAE ministries and federal establishments. He gave no further details. (Reuters)
Ninety-five percent of the companies trying to address the problem report finding the necessary staff is difficult or impossible.
Federal Reserve Governor Edward Kelley this week warned that failure by some banks to fix the millennium computer bug risks the disruption of the whole financial system. He said Wednesday at the Florida International Bankers Association meeting in Miami, |
The crippled Asian market, has been bailed out by the IMF with $117 Billion dollars... while the Dow Jones sores to all time highs.
Stanley Fischer, the first deputy managing director of the IMF, said "the IMF has about $12 Billion left to lend". "If another country gets into trouble the agency would be hard pressed to contain the crisis as it did in Asia".
The bank of Japan, the equivalent to the U.S. Federal Reserve, has $580 BILLION in delinquent loans.
China has a total of $1 TRILLION in outstanding loans, $250 Billion of which are bad.
World economies worry that the devaluating Chinese currency will increase the economic weakness in Asia and cause worldwide deflation.
Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan;
"In an enviroment of weak financial systems, lax supervisory regimes and vague guarantees about depositor or creditor protections, bank runs have occurred in several countries and reached crisis proportions in Indonesia. Uncertainty and retrenchment have escalated. The state of confidence so necessary to the functioning of any economy has been torn asunder."
It's estimated that 40% of Americans are invested in the stock market at the rate of 20% of their total investments.
The U.S. stock market is overvalued by 18% according to Greenspan's valuation model.
Could it be...
...that as much money as possible is being "drawn" into the system before the total collapse?
...that once the collapse occurs, a pre-designed "solution" will be offered that will involve the "cashless" system that is now so very near?
...that in order to "save" your money, you'll have to accept the new system and the means to operate in it(might I suggest the biochip) or lose it all?
As if that weren't enough...
Although there has been much warning about the impending Year 2,000 computer problem, a more pressing potential problem is at hand according to some forecasters. Some analysts believe, and the Gartner Group says is "a real and present threat," that if the Dow Jones Industrial average topped 10,000, it could begin some wild computer-generated trading on Wall Street. The average has never used a five-digit field which would be needed if it rose to 10,000. Andy Kyte of the Gartner Group said, "Trading organizations face potential massive exposure if the Dow passes 10,000 and systems interpret that as 1,000 or zero. Computer-based trading could interpret this as a catastrophic crash." He also said that there is little evidence that preparations have been made to deal with the problem. "Bulls" on Wall Street believe that the Dow could reach 10,000 as early as June.
On May 20, 1998, satellite "Galaxy 4" malfunctioned. The onboard system automatically switched to to the backup system which also failed. The end result was somewhere around 90% of all pagers in the U.S. failed along with systems that supported Fire, Police and Medical personel. The system can be repaired with the launch of a new satellite and in the mean time, Satellite Dishes had to be turned to use another Satellite.
Many Americans found out just how dependent they are on modern technology and also had a minor taste of what may come with the Y2K problem.
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