Spearheaded by Episcopal Bishop William Swing, the U.R. was created in June of 1993 to
commemorate the 50th anniversary of the United Nations.
Modeled after the U.N. the U.R. will have a General Assembly, a security council and a
Secretary -General and is intended to be for religions, what the U.N. is for nations.
Rather than the light of Christ, the U.R. will shine, declares Bishop Swing, "the light of the
world's spiritual traditions [paganism and occultism included] into a world desperately in
need of light." [Catholic Family News Oct. 1996 Vol. 3 Issue no. 10]
Timeline for the UR -
June 1997 - Charter writing process to begin
August 28 - September 5, 1993 in the Parliament of The Worlds Religions drafted The Declaration of a Global Ethic with it's own list of "commandments". With an International security council, the United Religions will be able to "enforce" such a document without having to worry with the sovereignty of country, state or even homes.
Several times The Declaration begins statements with "Young People must learn at home and in SCHOOL..." Will teachers be required to teach the Global Ethic in the future? [The Declaration of a Global Ethic]
July 1997 - campaign begins to enlist input and support for the creation of the UR on a Global level.
June 1997- June 1998 - Conference participants will engage their own communities.
June 1998 - June 2000 - Drafts of the charter will be circulated globally for comments and revision.
June 26, 2000 - the United Religions Charter will be signed, while a walking pilgrimage for peace among religions takes place in villages, towns, and cities throughout the world. [The United
Religions Initiative]
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