"Something to Talk About"
He has Arrived!
October 3, 1998
son of: Cajuns Cayenne Kid & Miss
Steel Gauge
October 3, 1998
Well, he snuck up on us. Rose didn't show signs of giving birth so I went to bed. I checked her at 2:30 am, no signs again. So, at 7:00 am I went out and there he was, already playing in the pen. He's very active and very healthy! Watch in the coming days, I'll change the pic's out about every third day so we can all watch him develop. (I love 1 hour Photo places!) His name is to be "Bonnys Poco Cody" and he will be called "Poco".
October 9, 1998
Hi there! I'm 5 days old now and I run and buck and play. Mom imprinted me and is now halter training me. I think it's kinda irritatin' ta wear the thing, but that's what horses do.
October 16, 1998
Hey! Are you paying attention out there? Look what they are making me do!!! Halters are for sissies!
October 25, 1998
Howdy folks! Me & Mommie jus' wanted ta play today. Mom (that's the human) said babies like me gotta play, it helps make us strong and healthy. I jus' know it's fun. Look how I'm growin' up!
November 3, 1998
Lookit Me! I'm a month old now. It's pretty fun bein a big kid. I've started eatin' this green stuff on the ground too, pretty good stuff! Hav'ya tried it?
you're puttin' together an outfit, take your time. Wait for all the
loose-lipped, manicured cowboys to run their line and wander off.
Then make your picks from the wiser heads who stayed around listenin' and

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have come to this baby place
I was adopted to keep the babies company, My name is Jasmin.