What Was God Thinking? Why Are Men and Women So Different? |
The title pretty much says it all. |
Are You Building Up or Tearing Down? |
What you say and do makes a big difference in the world. |
The Official Handbook for Parenting |
Here it is! The book they forgot to give you in the delivery room! |
The Power in the Word of God |
Should you force your children or your houseguests to go to church? |
The Battle Against Satan |
Most Christians feel they are beyond Satan's sphere of influence. They don't understand that they most certainly can be affected by Satan. Find out what you can do to prevent him from messing with your life. |
Becoming a Useable Vessel |
Do you want God to use you? Here's what you can do. |
Roots (No, not the movie!) |
What nourishment are your roots giving you? Look around and see where you are planted. |
Nothing Wavering |
A lesson in having faith. |
God's Promises |
God cannot lie. His promises are real! |
Opinions (Everyone Has One) |
How important and how valid are your opinions? |
Another Position Filled in the Body of Christ |
God has a job in the Body for each of us. |
Joy is Yours |
You should be having joy all the time! |
What's on the Altar? |
What sacrifice have you placed on the altar? |
Let Go and Let God |
We must not limit the things that God can and will do by our lack of faith. God can do anything and we need to open our minds to that fact! |