I have created an award that I offer to pages that have struck me as being, edifying, inspirational, helpful, interesting, esthetically pleasing, and just all-around great. These pages are on the web because God placed it on the author's heart to help you! This award cannot be obtained unless I offer it. Here are pages that have earned "Kay's Award for Page Excellence."
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This page has lots of helps for pastors and anyone doing Bible study. It has links to sermons, commentaries, reference, and lots of other places. This was the first award I offered because this site helped me to find things on the 'net.
Quiet WatersChristian Devotions (Beautiful!)

I don't believe in applying for awards. If I see a great page that has obviously applied for the other awards they have then I usually won't offer them one. However, if you know of a great page that just might qualify, please let me know and I'll go take a peek!!