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Tours: Lyon & Healy Tour | AutoPiano Tour
Music Files: Piano Room
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Family Picture: Sam, Anne and Preston

1925 player piano and some of its music.

Gabriel T. Della Fave's Player-Piano Page

This web site is a listing of ads for buying, selling, or trading player pianos and other mechanical music instruments. There is no charge for ads.

Joyce Brite's Player-Piano/Mechanical-Music Exchange

Dedicated to FUN, Music Rolls and Technicians. Aurthorized QRS dealer. Free cataloges and information

John Tuttle's Player Piano Service and Care, QRS Dealer

George has dedicated himself to revitalizing a lost musical art form. George is one of a handful of composers writing original music for automatic musical instruments, such as player pianos, orchestrions and band organs. Already his music has been published by Bam-Bam Music Rolls, Akron Ohio, and QRS Corp. in Buffalo NY.

George Bogatko - Composer, Arranger,

These pages are dedicated to those enduring marvels of music and mechanism, with the fond hopes that a new generation will discover the amazing magic of Mechanical Musical Instruments.

Pete Woodworth's Nickelodeon and Orchestrion Resources

"Interpretive Arrangements" for a VIRTUOSO performance on all Player-Pianos and 'Reproducing' Pianos

Douglas Henderson's ARTCRAFT Music Roll Company

If your looking for some information on anything about player piano's (pianola's) or Automatic Musical Instruments then this page is a good place to start.

Michael Waters' Player Piano Information from Australia

Bam-Bam Piano Rolls operated from 1992 through 1996. Initially offering rock and roll tunes for the player piano, we later branched out to ragtime and classical. In the end, many fine arrangers had their work punched on Bam-Bam piano rolls. This page remains as an historical marker to their work. Although the rolls listed in this page are no longer available, there are still several other companies selling new rolls today

Bill Jelen's Home of BamBam Piano Rolls

Mechanical Music Digest(tm) is a moderated discussion forum in newsletter format, distributed every day via e-mail to subscribers around the world. MMD caters to people interested in collecting and operating and restoring music boxes, player pianos, reproducing pianos, band organs, monkey organs, nickelodeons, orchestrions, air and steam calliopes, and other mechanical musical instruments.

Mechanical Music Digest: Home Page

Mechantiques is the country's largest dealer in mechanical musical instruments. We buy, sell and trade all forms of mechanical musical instruments.

Mechantiques, in East Hampton, CT.

Tim's article about reproducing pianos and rolls.

Tim Gracyk's page on reproducing pianos and rolls.

Piano specific products from around the world for pianos.
Box 2157 - Harbor, Oregon 97415-0305 USA
1-541-412-1001 - 24 Hour Fax: 1-541-412-3900

International Piano Supply

Nancarrow - who died in August, 1997 - inspired a generation of composers. He wrote music that was incredibly complex - so complex, in fact, that human beings simply couldn't play it.

Conlon Nancarrow Otherworldly Compositions for Player Piano

Grand Piano is a new series devoted to the art of the Reproducing Piano. It presents major performances by the legendary pianists who recorded for the Aeolian Company between 1915 and 1930.

Grand Piano Catalogue Index

Details the best recording project to date of a reproducing piano. This CD is a must have.



1998 marks the 79th year since G.H.Horton first began the production of piano rolls in Australia. Mastertouch has earnt a special place in any record of Australian social culture, as not only did the company encourage Australian artists to stay and record in their own country, it was probably the single major contributor to "creating" the Jazz Age in Australia.

Mastertouch Piano Roll Co.

The Mills Novelty Company
Home of the
Violano Virtuoso

Mills Novelty Company Home Page

1998 catalog of Mechanical Music Instruments for sale.

Brady Sales & Restorations of Piano and Music boxes

"One picture is worth a thousand words", so there are a lot of pictures and just a few words. The pics are large, so it will take a long time to load them if you have a slow modem. You can always take a walk around the block while you wait for the large graphics to magically appear.

Ed Gaida's Piano Homepage

The Automatic Musical Instruments Collectors' Association, conceived and born in San Francisco in 1963, is a non-profit, tax exempt group devoted to the restoration, distribution and enjoyment of musical instruments using perforated paper music rolls and perforated music books.

Automatic Musical Instrument Collectors' Association (AMICA)

Musical Box Society InternationaI is an educational organization dedicated to the enjoyment, study and preservation of automatic and mechanical musical instruments. Founded in 1949, the Society has grown to several thousand members in the United States and 21 foreign countries.

Musical Box Society International

The objects of the Society shall be the promotion and encouragement of all forms of interest in, and the preservation of, Fair Organs and Mechanical Musical Instruments.

Fair Organ Preservation Society

A French based site dedicated to Mechanical Music of all types.

Musica Mecanica

Melvyn is the UK’s leading producer of perforated music for Fair Organs and Street Organs (commonly known as Band Organs and Monkey Organs in the USA). He arranges and produces music for almost every type and scale of mechanical organ, from small hand-cranked busker organs up to 56 key fairground organs.

Melvyn  Wright's Supermuzik home page

PowerRoll™ can be used with, and is available for, any pneumatically powered automatic musical instrument. Examples are: ordinary player pianos (foot-pumped or with electric vacuum pump), "reproducing" (expression) player pianos, nickelodeons, orchestrions (automated orchestras), band organs, violin-playing machines, banjo-playing machines, and automatic harps.

Broademoore Research Corporation

Rick is heavily involved in the hobby of collecting and restoring antique coin-operated machines, soda fountains, classic cars, advertising signs and other American nostalgia. Rick's GameRoom is continually attempting to collect the memories from the magical atmospheres once found in diners, soda shops, arcades and gas stations of days gone by.

Rick's GameRoom

This page is dedicated to the Piano. It is Greg's way of sharing with you his hobby, the restoration of antique pianos and player pianos. Gres has a collection of old pianos for you to see, and he's always looking for interesting instruments.

Greg's Antique Piano Page!

Hank & Jere' have a show for you! At this site you will see some of the finest jukeboxes and nickelodeons (often called "orchestrations") in the world today. Better yet, they are for sale!

Hank & Jere's Personal Collection of Marvelous Music Machines

Van does not pretend that he can solve all your player piano problems.  His site has a short list of problems you could solve yourself.  Beyond that, you need to call your tuner.  Players are somewhat complicated to work on, so don't go beyond what you can understand by reading these helps and your own common sense.

Maintaining a Player Piano by Van Nattan

Home of the Largest Catalog of Player Piano Rolls on the Internet. Only the Best Quality and Selection.

Orange Coast Piano's

Story & Clark makers of: Acoustic Grand & Upright Pianos, Roll Player Pianos, Pianomation MIDI Player Pianos, MIDI Nickelodeons and Silent Practice Session Pianos .

Story & Clark Pianos

Close to 100 pages on this website. Allow plenty of time to view all the pages! We buy, sell and restore music boxes, monkey organs, player piano, carousel organ antique instruments such as seeburg, coinola, Regina, Duo-Art Steinway player grands.

Ragtime Automated Music

Ah, yes, the player piano! If you have never played one, you don't know what you are missing. And if you have, you are probably already hooked.The player piano is a most fascinating (if somewhat frustrating) instrument. A mechanical marvel, ranging from the basic player to the intricate and intriguing reproducing piano (capable of adding expression, sustain etc.)

The Player Piano Page at Piano World

Al Pebworth has a great site which promotes his restoration talents. He also has a few items for sale.

Yesterday's Music

An Italian page dedicated to Mechanical Music.

Italian Mechanical Music site: Musica Meccanica

Rick and Betty Cooley plus their family are the Olde Tyme Piano Shoppe, Inc. They have been collecting, restoring and selling vintage automated music instruments, including antique musical boxes and automata, for over 30 years. Here you will be able to find and Purchase the Automated Musical Machine of Your Dreams Hear A Few of your Favorite Tunes Sell Your Automated Musical Treasures at a Fair Price, and "Chat" With A Fellow Collector

Cooley's Piano Shoppe's Web Page

Meliora is a small concern located in Atlanta, Georgia dedicated to creating limited edition 88 Note player piano rolls of the highest quality. "Meliora" is Latin, and means "Better Things" - It is their creed and guidepost.  

Meliora Music Rolls

When QRS Music Rolls Inc. was established in 1900 music software meant perforated piano rolls and hardware meant player pianos. Today QRS is not only the worlds oldest and largest manufacturer of player piano rolls; it is a leader in contemporary player piano technology.

QRS Music Inc

Guaranteed tunings & repair of all makes; grand pianos to spinets.
Piano Reconditioning, Rebuilding & Major Repairs.
Player Piano Specialist, Rebuilds of complete player piano units available. Also, pump organ repairs and rebuilding

Dan Armstrong's player piano page

Ragtime Southwest, is one of the premier supplier of Player Pianos, Nickelodeons, Band Organs, Jamaican Steel Drum, Calliopes, Carousel Organ, and many more automated instruments!

Ragtime Southwest

Organettes are mechanical music boxes that uses a hand crank to turn a paper roll that played the music. Today these machines are antiques and owned by collectors. So sit back and enjoy the music from the late 1800s and read about the history of these amazing mechanical computers.

Schmidt's Music Rolls ...rolls for organettes

The "Society for Self-Playing Musical Instruments" was founded in 1975 with the aim of investigating, maintaining and encouraging the cultural tradition of self-playing musical instruments. This international association has around 700 members, among them many institutions such as musicological institutes and national libraries, but in particular collectors and lovers of these instruments.

Society for Self-Playing Musical Instruments - Germany


Jeff Vincent's research and history of Barrel Organs and Pianos

The Barrel Organ Home Page (Jeff Vincent)

Collecting 45 rpm and 78 rpm records, Reproducing piano rolls, Mill violano rolls, 58, 64, 88, 116 Note Organ & Piano Rolls, Player organs, Player Pianos, Nickelodeons, Music boxes, Tube Electronics. Chris also buys jukeboxes, player pianos, player organs, antique electronics, paper ads and parts, rusted or busted.

Kalston Jukebox & Mechanical Music Collection

Klavier Record Co. Specializing in high quality state-of-the art recordings featuring classical, big band, jazz, and nostalgia which includes circus, merry-go-round, and player piano music.

Klavier Records

The Scott Joplin International Ragtime Foundation has a number of ragtime player-piano rolls for sale.

The Official International Ragtime Roll Catalog

Complete Rebuilding of all types of Pneumatic player actions, Organs, Organettes and Orchestrions Fabrication of Stacks, pumps and other components Custom fabrcation of orchestrions and instrumentation for same Upright Piano restoration. Reed (Pump) Organ restoration

Short Mountain Music Works

Over 28 years of full time restoration experience of all automated musical instruments, player and reproducing pianos, reed and pipe organs, band, street and fairground organs, Mills violanos, nickelodeons, orchestrions, etc. Manufacturers of new nickelodeons, orchestrions and street and fairground organs as well as custom made pipes/reeds for fairground organs.

The Great Canadian Nickelodian Company, Inc.


At the Musical House you can view a small collection of musical instruments. They  have been working on the collection for seven years now, and while most of the instruments are playable, there are a couple new arrivals that are in need of restoration.

Our Musical House


Chris lives in Ingatestone Essex, England, UK. His Hobbies are Mechanical Musical Instruments, Vintage cars & Motorcycles, Stationary engines, Die Cast Toys, Computers, Dutch Street Organs, playing my harmonica, My friends, and Midi Music. He also belongs to the following Associations: Fair Organ Preservation Society British Organ Grinders Association Norfolk Internal Combustion Engine Club,Medway Queen Society, P.S.P.S

Chris Doe's Web Page

This foundation was launched in 1956 with the purpose to rebuild the gigantic 112 key Marenghi/Frei dance organ of the Kunkels family, which was badly damaged during the 2nd world war. This restauration, which work was done by volunteers in Haarlem, took little less than 10 years. The number of organs has grown to 10, of which five are owned by the foundation.

The "Kunkels" Foundation

This workshop specializes in taking the customer's wishes into consideration in the production of the instrument. The company's owners are Heinz Jaeger and Wolfgang Brommer, both of whom are master organ builders with years of experience.

Jäger & Brommer


Lark has a number of beautiful organs for sale right now!

Lark Mechanical Musical Instruments

Lots of pleasure in a trice DELEIKA® the barrel-organ. Handmade perfection from especially selected woods with 20 and 26 scales and 20, 31 or 44 pipes.

DELEIKA ®-Waldeck Germany

The KDV is a Dutch society for the preservation of fair organs, street-organs, dance hall organs, orchestrions and other automatic musical instruments; their history and development, and their present situation. This site is to inform you about the past and present of mechanical music in the Netherlands and Europe. You will find information about museums and organ events in Europe, membership of the KDV, news, and products. .

Kring van Draaiorgelvrienden

The British Organ Grinders Association was set up in 1991 by Peter Churchard along with a handful of British enthusiasts who decided that some kind of club was needed for hand-turned organ enthusiasts.  Since those days, the British Organ Grinders' Association has grown to almost 500 members all over the world.

The British Organ Grinders Association

The Pluer firm is a household name in the organ world. The company has been active in constructing, repairing and letting of bandorgans since 1898. For decades, the company has supplied bandorgans,various parts and accessories. In this homepage aim at giving you an impression of the company at present, a century after it beginnings. Furthermore they want to explain the company's history to give you an impression of the development of our company in this century. 

E . Pluer Bandorgan Building

Music for organettes, music boxes, player organs, player pianos. Instruments and spares. What are you looking for? Let me know & I will try to find it for you. Do you have anything to sell or swap - let me know I might be able to find a home for it.

Kevin McElhone Mechanical Music

Messaging: Send Mail
Tours: Lyon & Healy Tour | AutoPiano Tour
Music Files: Piano Room
Links: Links
Family Picture: Sam, Anne and Preston