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 Simply Serino!

 Learn More About GeoCities

So by now you've probably seen the various GeoCities links throughout Simply Serino! and you are probably wondering what is it and is it really worth a click.

Well, GeoCities is just one of several "web-based communities" on the Internet that offer free personal web pages through a program described as "homesteading on the web." A fun way to think of GeoCities is to describe it as state -- we live in Oregon, but you may live in New York or Texas. There are other "states" that you may have heard of like Angelfire and Inergy Each offers its citizens different services and benefits.

If you want move to GeoCities and start your own personal web page, like Simply Serino!, you must first have an e-mail address, so GeoCities can send you a password in order for you to begin building your Internet "home."

First you'll have to pick a NEIGHBORHOOD. Each neighborhood has a theme, so your home must fit the description of the neighborhood. For instance, Simply Serino! is located in the Heartland neighborhood which has a theme of family, pets and kids. The Capitol Hill neighborhood has a theme of politics, government and national affairs. Find a neighborhood that will meet your home page topic.
For a list of GeoCities neighborhoods and their descriptions click here.

Some of the larger neighborhoods have SUBURBS. For instance, Simply Serino! is in the Ranch suburb of Heartland.
For an example of GeoCities Heartland suburbs click here.

Next you'll have to locate a VACANT ADDRESS for your home. Simply Serino! is located in the 8800 block of Ranch at 8875. In the end, your location will become your URL address.
To see the block Simply Serino! is located click here.
To see the street Simply Serino is located
click here.

Next, you simply apply for residency and MOVE in using the home page editor. To create your home page we suggest reading Creating Web Pages for Dummies. This book is easy to understand and gives step-by-step instructions on how to build your home page.

Once you've moved into GeoCities, you will certainly feel like you belong to a community of citizens, complete with neighborhood news, chat, forums and more.

So go ahead and click on the GeoCities banner at the top of this page and explore GeoCities by taking a tour, going into a chat room or click on the banner ad which will take you directly to another GeoCities home page.

GeoCities Get Your Own Free Home Page.


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