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The American Pit Bull Terrier has been beloved
for generations for its loyal, affectionate nature and stable temperment.
American Dog Breeders Association, Inc.
The American Dog Breeders Association, Inc. was started in September, l909 as an exclusive association of American Pit Bull Terrier breeders. The residing president, Mr. Guy McCord, was an avid fancier and breeder of the dogs, and was a close friend of Mr. John P. Colby. Mr. Colby was the mainstay of the ADBA which prompted the boast of being the "home" registration office of the Colby dogs. All members, in good standing, could register their dogs and litters with the registration department upon the yearly payment of $2.50 dues fee. It seems that the exclusive members idea gradually was replaced into an open registry to all owners and breeders of purebred American Pit Bull Terriers, to act as an exclusive registry of the breed and insure the accuracy of this type of records keeping.
The paper issued at that time, was a one page, pink paper which on the top listed the description of the dog and other pertinent information necessary to serve as a title of ownership on the dog. On the bottom, it listed the pedigree, owner and breeder. We thought it interesting to note that on the reverse side of this paper it read, in part: "The American Pit Bull Terrier is now recognized as a standard breed, where a few years ago, it was un-recognized as a breed. The majority of the American public carried the impression that the American Pit Bull Terrier was synonymous with dogs used for fighting purposes only. This idea has been dispelled by persistent efforts of the breeders who compose this association. Presently, classes for American Pit Bull Terriers can be found at almost every local dog show being held. With concerted effort, our faithful friend will in time be classed as the leading American dog, who will give his life if necessary in defense of his master/mistress. We trust that you will unite with us in our efforts to bring this dog to the destiny he deserves. "The Standard dog of the U.S.A."
The ADBA passed from the hands of Mr. McCord to Mr. Frank Ferris, in l951. He, along with his wife, Florence Colby, the wife of the late John P. Colby, continued to run the ADBA on a limited scale, but with ever increasing emphasis on the registration of the breed, exclusively. In 1973, through the recommendation of Howard Heinzl, Ralph Greenwood and his family received the ADBA from Mr. Ferris, whose advancing age prompted his retirement. Mr. Heinzl was a personal friend of Frank Ferris and a staunch supporter of the ADBA, as he registered his dogs exclusively with ADBA. We often wish Frank could have lived to witness the growth of the present association. He would have been pleased. In 1976, the ADBA was petitioned by the owners of the breed, who possessed a very competitive spirit, to develop a standard on the breed by which conformation dog shows could be held. They did not want a standard that copied those of the UKC or AKC, but a standard for those dogs that they owned and continued to breed for the traits of intelligence, character, loyalty, and the athletic prowess that the breed was originally bred for hundreds of years ago. Thereby, they could continue competition, in a legal endeavor. Thus, the formation of the ADBA conformation standard.
The publication of the American Pit Bull Terrier Gazette started about this same time, and the first issue was out of the printers in August, l976. Our aim is to enlighten the public to the truth about the APBT, and promote the positive aspects of the breed, through the conformation shows and the weight pulling matches. The "Gazette" is the official publication of the ADBA and offers articles of history, pedigrees, ads on dogs for sale and at stud, books on the breed that are available, a bit of humor, dog care, nutrition, show and pulling training as well as a sounding board for those associated with the breed. We try to bring the past as well as the present to life for our readers, portraying our dogs as they were and are.
Our association continues to grow in the U.S.A. and other countries overseas. The American Dog Breeders Association Inc. is the largest registration office of the American Pit Bull Terrier. The ADBA registered American Pit Bull Terrier is the #1 breed of dog exhibited in the U.S.A. today, through conformation dog shows and weight pulling matches sponsored through international clubs and the American Dog Breeders Association Inc.
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