Images of past Foster Cats and Kittens
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If you have problems with "white dots" download the image and use a different viewer. All the images are organized into litters/groups in which they where fosted.
These are the kitties I have pictures for so far: - Sylva, Cynthia, Zackary and Samual Sylva's 2nd litter [see past.htm for detials|
- Boots, Tips, Goldy My mothers 2nd set of foster kittens |
- Ida, Ethna, Felix, Tuli, and Tuli as she is now My first "feral" kittens [Tuli is 4 now]|
- Donavin, Loki, Percy, Rosey Lucky 4, my mothers foster kittens |
- Deli-cat, Latay, Ginger Snap, Wiskey, Flash, Princess Calico, Patches. Tons of kits |
- Freddie My mother first "feral" kitten, very sweet cat! |
- Ashura, Dali, Pepe My last foster kittens before our 1st move |
- Lilyco, Jona, Inouk, Laylac, Mara-Tia, Leatha Our difficult mom and her babies! |
Want to hear about our current foster cats/kittens?
No image on this page can be used without written permission from myself, if you would like to use these images please e-mail your request.

[1] Here is Sylva with the babies when their about 3-4 days old!
[2] The babies at one week of age, eyes are closed.
[3] Here they are at 2-3 weeks with their eyes open but their ears are still not totaly up. Zack, Sam and Cynthia.
[4] Zackary, Cynthia and Samual at 8 weeks, they where all adopted!
Boots shelter # sc97-5427,Tips shelter # sc97-5428, Goldy's shelter # sc97-5429

from left to rigth, Boots, Tips and Goldy. They have all been adopted!

Tuli, Felix, Ida and Ethna, all adopted!
Tuli this year at Haloween (1997).

Loki, Percy, Donavin, and Rosey at 5 weeks old!! These kittens where all adopted!! Donavin is now 3 years old.
Latay, Ginger Snap, Wiskey, Deli-cat, Princess Calico, Flash, Patches. Seppy (not the mama) Patches and Latay. All seven of these kittens where adopted!!

Freddie was adopted by an older man and is now living happily.

Ashura, Pepe, Dali, and thier mom Layca all of these guys where adopted, they where my last foster cat/kittens for a long time. The second image of Layca is after her kittens where adopted and she was in heat, the beautiful black cat is our dearly beloved Cuddles who unfortunitaly died at the age of 14 from bone cancer. In the background you can see Seppy. [she had to stay longer due to her being very thin, she had been a starving stray when we got her and the babies]

[1] Mara-Tia, Jona, Leatha, Inouk.
[2] Leatha and Inouk
[3] Lilyco, the mommy winking
[4] Laylac climbing out of the box, the fuzz is mommies tail :)
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