and sometimes DOGS

have visited my feline friends
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  • My current fosters Jazmin and Oroaro, Snow, Moca and Patch my foster mice - see my mouse page for photos and detials
  • Siamese (and related breed) Rescue,
  • Want to foster someone?
  • My mother's Fosters; Tora and her 5 kittens
  • What's New?! find out where all the updates are.
  • How you can help out the Rescue cats.
  • Where is the Humane Society? Directions & phone numbers
  • Visit my pets at their homepage or My Cats & Hedgehogs page

  • Please visit our Sponsers to help out the many rescue cats;
    BookStore here you'll find some nice books related to cats & other pets.
    Also visit Tuli Gifts for animal collectables.
    Buy something anf the store makes a donation to the Rescue Cat Program.
    ALL CATS & DOGS from the Humane Society are spay/neutered

    I first started fostring in September 22nd of 1992.
    I have kept infomration on all my past foster cats with images of some that have been adopted over the last 9 years!!
    If you don't see anything on the cat/kittens you came by to check on visit the past fosters section.

    OHS CONTACT and LOCATION infomation

    You can call (613) 725-3166 ext 221 for general information.
    For more information about the
    Foster Program itself, please call (613) 725-3166 ext. 255, e-mail:, Or visit the Ottawa Humane Society and fill out a Foster Application!!
    Starting March 11th I will be off work for 8 weeks, please contact the vet technicians for information on the foster program at 725-3166 ext: 229

    The OHS is located on 101 Champange St. - (off Carling Ave, 1 block west of preston, in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)

    If you would like more information about any of my foster / rescue cats feel free to E-mail me! or call (613) 725-3166 ext. 360 and leave me a message

    Please note; all foster cats are available for adoption threw the Humane Society and you must be able to come to the shelter or P.A.L. shop [Pet Adoption Location]in person to adopt one of them. Inquire about rescues, sometimes transportation can be arranged if the right home is found some distance away.


    SC = Stray Cat [brought in by someone the cat did not belong to]
    OC = Owned Cat [brought in by owner, in most cases - or the owner is known]
    PC = Pound Cat [brought in by one of the drivers, or by-law, basicaly same as SC]
    Codes are the same for dogs except that the C is replaced by a D


    May 24 Jazmin is a beautiful long haired spay torti, she was cage shy and didn't eat well in the shelter so went to a foster home, her foster mom is going on vaccation for a while so Jazmin is staying with us till June 1st, she is looking for a home of her own and can be seen online at

    Also check out my foster mice: Oroaro, Snow, Moca and Patch for photos and detials



    Apr 30/02 Teama is a sliver tabby spay female who is declawed and about 9 years old. She entered the shelter after being left at a vet clinic and never picked up by her owners. At first she would not eat in the shelter, although friendly and otherwise having no signs of illness. So she came home with me and started eating the moment she arrived. She has come down with mild URI which will take about 2-3 weeks to clear up but after that she is ready to find a home of her own!

    Teama is very friendly, loves attention, talks a little to you and is playful. She enjoys a large "palm tree" scratching post which she plays with, sleeps on and does "mock" scratching (since she is declawed). She loves to look out the window at the birds and so far as shown little intrest in the other cats (she did hiss at my youngest but walked off after the warning. They have only seen eachother supervised but she would like get on well with other cats. More about Teama soon!

    Joey Jazz Felix


    April 12 Felix is our latest foster kitty, he's recovering from mild URI and is doing very well. This beautiful acitve 1.5yr old neutered male is affectionate, loves other cats and a joy to have around!! He'd do best in a home where someone would take him out for walk on a harness or have a enclouser for a kitty to play in supervised. He's been stickly an indoor only cat while with us. But would not do well as an apartment cat. Felix also likes some dogs. He plays with my cats, exspecialy DOnavin. He'd do well in a home where the other cat is not timid as she loves to play with them. Felix is ideal for someone looking to add a second active feline to thier home. He can be indpendent at times but loves to sleep in your lap and enjoys tummy rubs.


    I have Been ADOPTED March 24th Mozy is doing very well, he's active and eating his special diet well, although tried to beg for food sometimes. He likes other cats and is still a wonderful guest to have, he sneezes once in a while so had a very mild URI but nothing else is wrong and he's ready to find a home of his own anytime!
    March 13 Mozart is a large brown tabby of 6yrs, he's neutered and very friendly and active! Right now he's having a small vaccation and is on a special diet for wieght loss and on eye medication. He might have sneezed but since we have been packing to move it was likley dust realted and not URI. Mozart is a perfect cat, and would fit into anyone home. He's welcome to stay as long as he needs but is ready for adoption anytime.
    Mozart loves people and will sometimes "talk" a little but is very quiet. He loves to be brushed and enjoys sleeping with you. We are still learning about his likes and dislikes but he's a great fellow and get along well with other cats. He's playful and very curious, easy going and adapts quickly to a new surrounding. He's been with us only 5 days so far and it's easy to see that he's totaly comfortable!


    ADOPTED The amazing Dora return and was adopted the same day by a nice man!!
    feb 22 Dora is an exotic shorthair calico or 4 years who is declawed. She arrived as a stray cat and wasn't claimed. Since Dora wasn't eating in the shelter at all, but was bright, alert and active I took her home under the rescue program. She since started to eat but is very finicky and only likes canned food! Dora is ready for a home of her own anytime. [Jakob chocolate point siamese of 2 years old, adopted from Ottawa Humane Society]


    Local Canadian Siamese rescue can be found here:
  • Happy flame point M/N 3yrs "classic"
  • Ariel and Alpine blue/choc point F/S 3 and 6 years, declawed, indoor only looking for a home together before mid-june 2002, contact Siobhan for detials on how to adopt these cats

    If you are looking to adopt a siamese or related breed feel free to send me an e-mail I often know of some looking for a home of thier own!

    I am interested in starting a network of people in Ottawa or the surrounding area that are interested in rescuing the siamese, oriental, snowshoe, balinese and related breeds and mixes. If you are interested in becoming involved in the rescue, fostering or adoption of these beautiful and wonderful cats feel free to join this list.

    The cats in question will come from were ever there is a need for one to be rescued, so will not be limited to siamese/snowshoes etc. from the local shelters but also may come from other areas of Canada, the USA or the world as needed. However the rescue of siamese in Canada, will be the main focus as there is a siamese rescue in the states (which I have and will be working closely with)

    I also do cat rescue for the local humane society for siamese and non-siamese cats which I have done for several years now so do have some background in rescue.

    Click to subscribe to Ottawa Siamese Rescue

    Larger US bases rescue (we work with them and they offered to mentor us when we are ready for that stage)
    Sometimes we have a feline that travles to the Siamese Rescue Alliance in Texas USA, no Ottawa cats are currently at the center but they have many siamese, snowshoe, balinese and realted cats seeking homes!!

    My Mother's fosters


    may 24th Streach is a long sleak shor haired torti, she is pregnant and is in forster care for 10-12 weeks depending on when she has her babies. Streach is a shy/timid girls, she gets on ok with the other cats but is a little timid right now. She is being sociolized and is less fearful then when she arrived and starting to become more affectionate, being pregnant in a new home can be scarry for a shy girl sometimes. Streach has almost an oriential short hair look to her and is chatty however at this time we believe she is just a long legged DSH.

    Tori Tora

    May 24th Tori's kittens have all returned and been adopted, Tori is waiting to be dry enough so that she can be spay before going up for adoption but is looking for a home of her own. She is a very friendly, social and outgoing kitty, she gets along with cat savy small dogs and other cats, although prefers my mothers older neutered male best (he is a more mellow personalty then her younger spay female)
    April 12thTori and her little babies, there they are just 1 day old! All her "kids" are little boys, so far they have yet to be named. They are now about 3 weeks and have thier eyes and ears open, they are all starting to get out of the box and walk around a little. The babeis are very fat! Mommy Tori has lots of milk for them and is a very good mom. When the kittens are asleep she loves to get out and play. Tori has gained some wieght since she had her babies. They'll be starting to try a little canned kitten food soon and I am sure that Tori will be happy about that!!
    I will have new photos of the kittens at 16 days old soon.
    March 24th Tori had 5 little kittens last Saturday! She had 2 orange tabbies, grey tabby, grey/white (tabby?) and a dark kitten likely black and white. So far all babies are doing well and are growing in leaps and bounds! We'll update when we know more. Tori is a very proud mom! She is acitve and when the kittens are asleep between feedings she likes to get out and play some herself, she is still young too!
    March 13 Each day Tori gets bigger and bigger, she has started to show some nesting behaviour (fixing blankets in her box) so it should be very soon.. updates when they arrive!)
    March 9 Well Tori is very pregnant and due any time now, she now had her nursing box set up and is staying in her room at night just incase, she is also a little moody which happens closer to the end of the of term. I will update when I have any new news!
    March 4 Tora was very sick with URI for some time but is now feeling much better. She needed lots of extra attention and even some force feeding to get her well. Tora was on medication for her URI and now only sneezes once or twice a day. She is a very affectionate, follow you around, "pick me up and cuddle me" type of cat. Tora loves to be pet and have chin scratches and purrs all the time. She also seems to be ok with small dogs, it seems as if she might have lived with a dog in her past? However she has become very "pot bellied"!! My mother sent in a fecal and that was negative, but when I went to visit her tonight I took a look at Tora and she is very PREGNANT!!
    Tora is going in for a vet check to confirm tomorow and will be returning to foster care till she has her kittens and they are 8 weeks old and can go up for adoptions.

    Feb 26 Tora is a 2 year old DSH torti, she has URI and is on medication and lots of care right now but is getting better each day and more active now that she is feeling better.

    Penny Lane

    March 13th Penny has been making process, she is less timid of people, cars and going outside, she is very active and has learned to not growl and give up her toys. She knows how to sit and lay down on comman and she loves to play fetch. She is getting better about her housetraining and is almost perfect. She loves to be with the cats, is learning to play with smaller dogs and is comfortable with some bigger dogs we know as well. She is ok with kids, but shouldn't be in a home with kids.
    Penny is a little bit of a fussy eater, currently she is on boiled hamberger and rice with eukanuba dry (small bites) dog food.
    March 9th Penny Lane is a very small "teacup" poodle. She was given up by her owner because she was not housetrained. She is apricote and about 1.8yrs old spay female. When she arrived she was very shy and timid, was not very well trained and needed some work. She also had diarrhea which is much better. She is still not 100% about the housetraning but it's coming! Penny Lane gets lots of long walks outside and loves to run around chasing her little fish toy (seen above with her friend Tora). She loves cats as well and get along with both Cupcake and Ragu as well as the foster cat Tora. Penny might be adopted by my parents but at this time they are still unsure.

    Past fosters, up for adoption

    Joey Jazz Felix, M/N 1.5yrs DSH black and white. Currently at the Ottawa Humane Society for adoption. Call 725-3166 ext: 236 to inquire about adopting him. (listed under the name Felix - mention he's Siobhan's foster cat as I don't have his shelter number on me, but they'll know who he is!) or drop by and see him and the other cats in person.

    Our Cats

    My cats:
    April, a female (spay/declawed) DSH grey and cream tabby of 15 years, she can from a farm out in Quebec, I got her as a kitten. She has allergies to many things (fleas, soya, and most likely dust, and some plants), and is on a special diet.Currently battling Cancer feb02/02 Currently on mediaction for serious bowl infections, vet suspects IBS
    Tuli, a female (spay/declawed) DSH redish-brown spotted tabby of 7 years, we got her from the Humane Society, she is very timid and has just now started to come out to see "stranger" (this includes our family members that come often).
    Donavin, a male (neutered) siamese mix of 4 years, he has life threatning allergies to fish and is on a special diet (different one from April) We got him from the Shelter also.
    Dawson, a male (neutered) DSH black cat of 18 years, we got him from the shelter about 1 year ago and brought him home to live out the rest of his days with us. feb02/02 Currently has recently discovered thyroid condition
    Marian, a female (spay) DSH/Burmese grey cat of 5 years, we got her form the shelter as a sick foster cat, and well she stayed :)
    Also we have some little guys:
    Meeka, Nya and Spaz fancy mice (1 from pet shop, 2 rescued)
    Shamrock Sean a african pygmy hedgehog (rescued) of 4 years.

    My mothers cats:
    CupCake, a female (spay) maincoon/DLH mix of 7 months old, adopted from the shelter.
    Ragu, a male (neutered) himalayan/DLH/Maincoon mix of 4 years, he can from the shelter also, he's a very loving but timid cat how has a heart murmur and needs to be on a special diet.

    Here's how to help out

  • The Foster Cats and Kittens BookStore
  • Tuli Gifts a mail order store which carries animal collectibles!
  • If you would like to donate funds, please donate directaly to the Ottawa Humane Society
    101 Champagne Avenue South
    Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 4P3
    S.A.V.E. fund which helps sick and injured animals,
    CAT RESCUE FUND which is for cats that might not otherwise be able to go up for adoption.
    Donations over $10CDN are tax deducatble.
  • Also donations of toys, litter, bowls, beds, collars, leashes etc.. are accepted for both cats and dogs. Please send such donations directly to the OHS and mark them "ATTENTION: Siobhan for foster / cat rescue program"
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