The Pederson's Webtropolis


Sherrie and Lloyd

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We have finally achieved "Webtropolis" status since we've moved here on August 20, 1999. We hope you've enjoyed visiting each of our 23 pages, as well as the almost 50 other subpages that are connected to them, and have found just what you're looking for. As you've noticed, a lot of our Webtropolis is about our honeymoon trip to Jamaica. If you haven't seen our pages on colors and fonts, the Java tutorial, the HTML tutorial, or the Questions and Answers in our Resource Center, you've missed a lot of new things. Right now we are at a lull for creating new pages, but we do have some projects we will be adding, so keep checking back to see how we're coming along. While your here, you might as well meet our family.

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