Family Tuit

My mothers ancestors all lived in Havelte, Nijeveen or Kolderveen (province of Drenthe) in the Netherlands. They settled there since 1740, or probably even sooner about 1600.


The research on the family Tuit was done by Jan Tuit and myself.

Our Tuit-database contains now some 800 persons and about 260 family's.

Of course a lot of the relatives moved out to other places in the Netherlands and even the United States and Australia.

Take a look for the Tuits from New Jersey, USA

We want to expand our research to all relatives of the Tuits, to complete the family history. You can help us by sharing your family-data with us and supply names, dates, places, of birth and residence, pictures, profession and /or education or anything that you are willing to tell us about you and your family.

E-MAIL Klaas Steffens or E-MAIL Jan Tuit


If you are looking for other families in the province Drenthe you may refer to Genealogie Drenthe

Here is the link to the all surnames from Zuidwest Drenthe
Here is the link to the INDEX of Nijevener Tuit-families
I'm also researching other family-names Steffens and Thomassen
See here for links to other family homepages Links
