



Bengals for re homing





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ALC owned by Jean Mill

Breeding for Health, Temperament and Sheer Beauty

Any breeder thinking of acquiring a Bengal Stud cat for the first time should try and find a boy who will compliment their own girls.  A Stud which will give the kittens something the girls lack e.g. shorter ears, a wilder head type.  It is also important to find a good pedigree which will add to gene pool in the UK.  Studs can be unsociable, some spray and they can be noisy.  They also need around 6 matings a year or more.  Time must be spent with them every day, as it can become lonely for them.  Gaylee Bengals is willing to sell studs to caring breeders.



Bengal stud cat Ringoe

Millwood Ringoe: A super stud from Jean Mill.  Ringoe has black arrow shaped spots on a golden glittered coat, small ears, long bodied and is siring beautiful rosetted kittens.  CH Millwood Firelit Circle x CH Millwood Circlet

Bengal black rosetted male Galileo

ifor December 2003 - Brockenmoor Galileo:
a rosetted stud out of CH Millwood Italian Filigree x Brockenmoor Chantel.  Galileo has a super clear, rosetted and glittering coat, is long bodied and has a lovely head with small rounded ears.  Galileo is out of GRCH Millwood Baghira, Supreme GRCHCheetahsden Sundancer and Supreme GRCH Millwood Shahanara lines. Thank you Karen Shard of Tarantela Bengals for this super boy who does not carry marble.


Frappant Rajah:
A Ringoe son.  Like his Dad has small ears, jet black spots and glitter.  Millwood Ringoe x Amisar Kismet


 Gaylee Bengal kittens with black rosettes


Our new and up and coming baby boy Gaylee Toobago
Huge black rosettes, loads of glitter on a pale golden coat, and a wild head type.  A look at things to come.

Frappant Rajah (from Supreme GRCH Belltown Flashback and DGRCH Millwood Inner Circle lines) x Gaylee Ebony (from the Heritage lines)


Gaylee Dot Com and Gaylee Backto Thefuture 2 boys now with their new owners.




Copyright © Gayleebengals 2002

Webs at reasonable prices



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Copyright © 2003 Gayleebengals
Last modified: 17.7.03