Here is a second page of anagrams to keep you busy!
"What is an anagram, anyway?" An anagram is a rearranging of one word to get another: "senator" = "atoners" or (more likely) "treason". The skill to do anagrams is very helpful for a Scrabble player's game. Some of these sentences were first published in Sensoria Erasions.
1. He prefers lasting to ________ fruit.
2. The lazy are always lauding the ________.
3. His brain was ________ hence his actions were apelike.
4. Why work for food? A thousand ________ suits his mood.
5. Said one lovebug to another, "Imago, I'm your _______!"
6. "You call that a cut?", he said in a ________ way during the autopsic session.
7. "I pushed her over! I'm the _______ of my lover!", he sobbed as his priest
shrove and shrugged. "Every angel that hovers has heard worse concerning lovers."
8. The ________ gets out the chlorite stains.
9. The farmer cointers his coparents in the ________ plot.
10. Don't flyte with a ______ when he's in the right!
11. The fisherman reels in a _______ and swears, "I wanted a bass!"
12. The faker ________ feeding others while filching for himself.
13. The race car outraced the ________ defender.
14. A proteus is a ________ of principles he won't keep.
15. The student ________ eductions from her teacher like a leacher.
16. He surfeits his time in the ________ clime.
17. A hatted head is a _______ fitter.
18. "Fill it to the ________ of the potline", pressed the glutton.
19. Folly ________ and wisdom must sprattle behind.
20. By adaptation the fruit fly might ________ wing venation to suit the situation.
1. staling 2. languid 3. pealike 4. handouts 5. amigo
6. captious 7. shover 8. clothier 9. corniest 10. lefty
11. wrasse 12. feigned 13. fendered 14. spouter 15. suctioned
16. surfiest 17. titfer 18. topline 19. prattles 20. innovate
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