Welcome to the first of my anagram pages! For those who surfed in blithely unawares, I refer you to this page to explain what an anagram is. Don't feel bad if you don't solve many of these puzzles. Most of them were written with the tournament-level Scrabble player in mind. In the memorable words of my old high school teacher: Just do the best you can.

1. It wasn't atropism after all, merely a ________ overdose.
2. He spouted, "I'm the best!", as he ________ the rest.
3. He's even ________ when he's rewired on coffee.
4. He ________ motels, using an asterism instead of an asterisk.
5. He's breaking the soil by ________ it.
6. His chute was faultily ________ so his life was briefed. Debrief his next of kin.
7. She prayed for ________ from the pestier guest.
8. "Put an ________ next to your name, if you're so special," he said in the sarkiest manner.
9. The ________ minded are kin to the doomily disposed.
10. There are two sides to every story that the verbose tell: so ________ the obverse as well.
11. The tennist said, "You ________, I deduce!"
12. This ________ delves into dustier books.
13. There is an inequity twixt ________ and bovinity.
14. Some seem softspoken but those more ________ make their points with tridents.
15. ________ contains the entirety of time.
16. The artist sees farmable fields as a ________ scene.
17. Cats finish their nine lives finitely, yet with ________.
18. It was his ________ assumption that groundsels would sell.
19. He lost his marbles. That's why he ________.
20. He mispled his innocence on account of his ________.


1. pastromi 2. outsped 3. weirder 4. misrates 5. beraking
6. fibered 7. respite 8. asterisk 9. moodily 10. observe
11. deuced 12. studier 13. equinity 14. strident 15. eternity
16. framable 17. felinity 18. groundless 19. rambles 20. dimples

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