Join me az I try tu lose sum wate. Don't be shy! (All us "fluffy" kittiez ov da world haf to stick togetfur!) Letz get tu werk! |  |
Furst things furst- Warming up
 iz FURRY impurrtant! |
Ok! Now efurrybody, let's TaeBo fur awile! Watch me and du wut I du....
 One...tew....thrwee...fur! Let's get dose arms mooving! One...tew...thrwee...fur! |
Gud, gud, gud! Now let's try dis one!
One...tew....thrwee...fur! One...tew....thrwee...fur! |

Whew! I think it's tyme fur sumthing else... |
Dis will help build yewr "jumpin on da diningroom table" muscles

Impurroove yewr coordinashun wif a gud game ov volleyball

A long nap iz ALWAYZ required after such a hard werkout!
 Gud job effuryone...zzzzzzz! |